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Bonfire night/fireworks


Young Bun
Hi all,

I have an 11 week old rabbit for one
week now. He lives outside in his hutch
and he also has a run that I put him in

I was going to get some sort of indoor
housing for him for when winter sets in
and was also thinking of bonfire night.

I have been running around trying to find
something suitable. I have been advised
just to waterproof the cage and give him
extra bedding. I have read a couple of posts
on here that backs that up.

Is anyone else concerned about their outdoor
rabbit and the noise from fireworks? I have
no idea what I should do now!
I am planning on bringing my bunny in on bonfire night. I always used to do this with my old bunny as he got very scared. also will keep the kitties in too. I have an indoor cage though that can be used temporarily. It is small though. As for the winter, i am going to try and make the hutch warm and cozy and ruby can stay outside.
i have the same problem

i have the same problem mine moved in today and this is the same advice i have had But to day was boiling hot where i live and yesterday it was freezing cold how mucth bedding ??? as for bomfire night i think they will be fine however i am not sure
I am thinking maybe I could get the biggest
pet carrier I can afford & get a cover for
the hutch. I cannot get over the price of
the covers though, nearly £50!!!!
I bring mine into an unheated room over bonfire night and Diwali. I have a couple of 4 foot puppy crates that I use for this, and for when they go on their holidays :)
Some people dont use hutch covers, but home made alternatives- such as clear shower curtains with bricks holding them down, and blankets with the shower curtain over them when its colder. Thats just an idea if your struggling for money for now, although personally in the long run id buy a proper hutch cover, but i ould use that to save up for a good one. Someone posted on here a while ago about big 6 foot by 6foot clear shower curtains at ikea for about 99p i think it was?

My rabbits are kept in a shed, so can hear the fireworks, and they seem fine. Theyve got used to noises over time.

If you wanted to bring it in for short periods- ie just during bonfire night, or when its ill, or REALLY cold- then i recommened this pen (as i have done on many posts, i :love: it :lol:):


Its a decent price and folds completely flat. It comes with the net, and also has an option base you can buy for £7 which i did, and its amazing. I actually bought 2 so i could make it as big as i wanted, but 1s easily enough space for something temporary. Iv had 3 buns living in mine at various points for a total of 4 1/2 months. I just used cable ties as the water bottle was either too high or too low, so i attacthed the ties at a better height and it worked fine.

As i said, it folds flat, is relatively cheap, can be used outside during supervision, can be extended- just some of the reasons i recommend it. Dog crates are good too, but more expensive and less space, and indoor cages tend to be expensive and very small inmy opinion!
I was worried about firworks when I first had rabbits, but now I have realised that they aren't that bothered by them.

We even had 6 red arrows flying over our house the other day, I swear I could see the piolets, they were that close, but the rabbits were ok.

Just make sure they have loads of yummy hay to distract them.
I thought my buns were going to be really scared, the first year we had them, but they were fine, and didn't need to be brought in.

So last year they stayed out, and we covered them, and they were fine. Make sure they have lots of beeding to snuggle into, and lots of hay to munch on and things to distract them and they should be fine. :)
Mine have never been bothered by fireworks, which is lucky because living in a seaside resort we have a massive display every Wednesday during the summer holidays. Grimlock is inside most of the time, but Lopsie, the rabbit I had when I lived with my parents was an outside bunny and I just used to cover him with a rug and give him treats.

I used the rug to keep him warm in the winter too and I found you can by clear plastic sheeting from some hardware shops for a couple of pounds. Just weight them down on top of the hutch with a couple of heavy objects and keep it from flapping around by putting a bike or a garden chair or something on it at the front. If it's really windy you might need to check it a couple of times in case it blows off. But Lopsie always used to be fine in the winter and I'd only cover him up at night of if the weather was really bad. I liked him to get a bit of daylight. And he still used to come out and play in the snow. He had a lovely thick coat. :)