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bonding Ralphy


Mama Doe
I've been thinking about this whole getting-another-bun thing and wondering whether Ralphy definitely needs it. He is the type of bun who will lie on my lap for hours being stroked, and lick my face and hands and seems to love contact more than anything. He's quite soppy, really, and not at all aloof or hard to catch. Does this mean he is definitely the type of bun who needs to be bonded with another one?
My experience of it is...
Fluffy was a rescue rabbit - (was kept alone in small cage :( ) - and he seemed very happy with us in his improved surroundings - sociable and gentle, enjoyed our company very much and binkied and played and ran about.
However it wasn't until we bonded him with Miffy - younger lady rabbit - that we realised what real rabbit contentment is and he has not been happier.
He still is as 'bonded' to us as he ever was but he has the joy of his own bunny friend which is wonderful to see.
Joey is very soppy getting him a friend is the best thing Ive done..... a year after that ive ended up with four! :lol:
Rabbits love rabbit companions - it's who they are....as much as we can give them it's not the same as a proper bunny of their own to love :D