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Bonding next weekend!


Young Bun
So excited that we can now finally try and bond our two boys. They have met each other. They have mesh between the kitchen and living room so they see each other and we have been swapping them around both rooms so they get used to each others smell. We've also put their cages together (they are in these when we are out or in bed) and so far so good. Had a good sniff initially but now just getting on with things so taking this as a good sign. We have had no aggression through the bars.
We bought them a new large cage today so that when we put them together they can go in a brand new cage that will be theirs and not either ones. Im starting to get excited but little nervous too.
Am I right in thinking that it'll be best just to put them together, let some humping/fur pulling happen and as long as there is not any extreme fighting or blood that they should then just stay together? I was hoping that we could bond them in the bathroom and once they seem settled with each other put them straight in the new cage and not seperate them at all. Is this ok?:?