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bonding - is it hard?

There is so much talk about bonding. Is it usually a difficult thing to sort out, or are the majority of bunny bondings straightforward and easy? What exactly is the standard procedure and are there examples where the two bunnies just don't get on and you can't then keep the second one?
I have a group of 5.
I started off with 2 and the bonding to the 3rd was one of the easiest the bonder has ever done.
However, when I wanted to add 3 more bunnies this all changed.
One rabbit (my dream B&W English Spot) was extremely aggressive and just would bully and torment the other bunnies.
Unfortunately he had to go back to rescue. It broke my heart.
He is still looking for his forever home :(
It just depends on the bunnies.
For some bunnies it's love at first sight, for other's they'll hate and won't bond, and the most will just accept over a period of time.
Strawberry and Graham were a difficult bond. They just fought as soon as they got near each other so a rescue centre bonded them for us. They were 2 males.

Strawberry and Snowdrop (male/female pair) bonded relatively easily. Quite a bit of chasing and a small amount of humping but nothing aggressive at all. Snowdrop is such a laid back bunny though, she is quite timid and doesnt have a nasty bone in her body.
mine bonded like a dream!! Wad the easiest thing ever! No fighting, no biting... NOTHING!

It is down to the rabbits you are trying to bond. easiest is male:female neutered pair!