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Bonding dominant bunnies


Warren Veteran
Hello, as some people may know I recently adopted a magpie harlequin (Xena). She is a dominant bunny but is very passive. I have bonded her with Fiver who is also dominant but is quite aggressive. I had them in an enclosure on neutral territory and things have gone ok but not perfect. The first thing Fiver did was grab Xena by her scruff and hump her. He didn't do any damage apart from pulling out a mouthful of fur, this only happened on the first day and afterwards he stopped "holding" her and just humped. She would growl the whole time but didn't do more than wiggle free and run off (with Fiver in pursuit).

Things improved over the next 3 days and Fiver started grooming Xena but she has not once groomed Fiver, which is fair enough. Fiver stopped chasing and humping Xena and then seemed to settle down quite nicely. They are now in the bedroom together and are living together quite happily after some initial chasing from Fiver, which didn't even result in fur pulling and it calmed down after the first night. Xena has since humped Fiver a few times and he has spun around and tryed to nip her bum as she hops off. They have been laid next to each other but Fiver has been laid turned away from Xena with his ears back, obviously he is not too happy. She just ignores him unless she wants to be groomed and tends to avoid him unless they are eating or happen to cross each other's paths. Fiver seems to get quite frustrated over the fact that Xena will not groom him, but if he is grooming her then surely he has accepted that she is dominant? They both try to put their heads under the others chin and usually Xena wins and Fiver grooms her ears then hops off or lays down next to her or they both ignore each other and groom themselves instead.

Can somebody please just tell me if I am doing things right? Should I take them out of the bedroom and try them in the enclosure again? They have never fought or even looked like they were going to, however, Fiver has shown some aggression (ears back and tail up) but Xena just hops off to avoid any conflict. Will they "fall in love" or is this the best I can hope for for 2 dominant buns? I am very worried about this and was worried before I tried to bond them as I knew they were both dominant. :( I hope this isn't a bad thing and is part of the bonding process.
It sounds like it is going well to be honest. I wouldn't worry too much about grooming, sometimes it doesn't happen for months after bonding. I'm not sure about putting their head under the other as a sign of dominance, I think it is just a sign of acceptance and I have seen it as a sign of submission.
Thank you for that :) I'm not worried about them hurting each other just that they would not be happy together.
I went up to check on them and sit with them for a bit earlier on. Fiver was laid down and Xena hopped over to him and humped him; he just let her with no angry reaction :shock:. I think he may finally be accepting that he is not going to be "top bun". He also went over to her and then did a massive happy flop! This is the first one he has done in a while and it made me feel a lot better.

I was worried because when I bonded Fiver and Ellie they were instantly all loved up and snuggling up together after only 1 day. I guess it must just be because Fiver is not used to being submissive and has taken him longer to adjust.

I do hope they will be all loved up soon! If they don't get to that stage is that something to worry about? I would ideally like a strong bond but obviously it's up to them, is there anything I can do to help that or just let them get on with it as I am doing?
You seem to be doing the right things so far, leaving them to it is by far the best option. Only interfere if there is proper fighting. It sounds like they are getting on great.