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Binky's little Shadow ...First anniversary

Bunny Buddy

Wise Old Thumper
Binky's little Shadow

It makes it all so real writing this but the little guy deserves a tribute, so here goes.


Shadow and his brother Binky came into my life in early January 2011 after 3 threads appeared on RU on 2 January with people very concerned about their welfare. Two nasty little hutches were being sold on ebay with 'free rabbits' being offered - with the finishing line of 'if they are not gone by Friday they are going in the pot!' :cry::cry: The threads ran for a frantic time whilst it was decided how best to handle it. The listing on ebay was removed and the work in the background began. Emma, 'Mischief & Tinker's Mum', 14 at the time got permission off her mum to take the rabbits on a temporary basis as long as they had a permanent/foster/rescue place to move on to. Emma was only about 2 miles away from the person who as 'getting rid' of these beautiful rabbits.

So, I said I would take them to foster - get then neutered, vaccinated etc and rehome them, I didn't intend to keep them (yeah, right). When Emma got them a few days later and posted pictures of them I got a bit worried that they had bad dental problems, and likely snuffles, as expressed by various forum members, as they had weepy eyes and wet noses, and sadly instead of staying with Emma for a week myself and Jenzel5 went over for them after a couple of days. (So sorry, Emma, I wish looking back you had had longer with them, but I wanted FHB to assess them as soon as possible).

Neither had infections, and it turns out Binky didn't have dental problems and after a tear duct flush his eyes haven't been weepy and he's been doing great. Shadow, sadly from the beginning I was told that his teeth were awful and he's had a few bouts of not being able to maintain his weight. An x-ray last year showed he had a tiny liver and there was a suspicion that there was something more serious wrong with him but he was managing to keep at a reasonable weight with care and always, always bright and enthusiastic for food.

Binky and Shadow had the most incredible bond, they were always grooming each other and snuggling. When begging for treats Shadow would always climb over his brother's head and back and there was never a cross word between them.

You were such a sweet little lad Shadow, never difficult, always such a treasure to care for, sometimes you managed to groom me as well as your brother, I'm sure as a single bun you would have become exceptionally close to me but the bond you and your brother had was all you needed to make you happy.

I so, so wish we could have made you better Shadow, you obviously loved life to live as long as you did with something so badly wrong with your construction. You stayed with me rather than being rehomed when I realised you were health-compromised, so you could get the best vet care there is but sadly there are some things even the best vets can't mend :cry::cry::cry:

You go into the next world with you teeth newly fixed, so hopefully you'll be able to eat well at the Rainbow Bridge, hopefully your body is strong as your spirit now. Both Binky and myself got chance to tell you we loved you and how much we will miss you. We were so privileged to have you in our lives. I'm trying to be happy you were here rather than sad you have gone, but I think it will take a while yet. I'll take great care of Binky for you, as he took care of you.

This video is the boys newly re-introduced after neutering. I take comfort in how well Shadow (dark one) looks in this.

Sadly, I don't spend much time taking pictures, so I don't have a huge selection of them, but will post some more when I can see through the tears.
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I remember this video from the time - the end really made me laugh both then and now. :lol::love:

I'm so sorry. :( Binky free Shadow. xx
So sorry. They are both a truly special pair of bunnies, binky free beautiful Shadow xxxx
A lovely tribute to a very special bunny.
Have fun at the bridge little Shadow - I'm sure you know how well loved you will always be. :cry:
I remember that situation but never realised Shadow and Binky were from that. They got very lucky when Emma helped them and you kept them. I'm just so sorry that you all didn't have longer together.

Binky Free Shadow. x
I also hadn't realized that was this pair of bunnies. :cry:
Binky free Shadow. You'll be watching over your mum and brother from the Bridge I'm certain.
Hugs for you. I am so sorry that Shadow wasn't able to be with you longer. :(
Aww Shadow was so gorgeous! :love: Please don't feel guilty about them not staying with me for a little longer, just shows what a good bunny mum you are as you wanted to take them to the best vet in the country as soon as possible! :love: They sure had more space when they went to live with you sooner anyway! :love He was such a lucky bunny and had the best life ever with you and Binky! :D I'm so sorry you lost him. xx

Binky free Shadow, I wont forget your beautiful face! :love:

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Thank you so much to you those who read and especially those who posted.

It's hit me like a ton of bricks that he's gone now :cry::cry::cry:

I had to take Barnaby to the vets this evening and when speaking of Shadow said that I was relieved, which is a complete load of rubbish. I'm glad he has no more suffering ahead of him but I so didn't want to lose him yet. I felt so awful for sounding as if I was wishing him dead.
That is a really lovely tribute to a brave little bunny.

I'm so sorry that you have lost Shadow, but try and take comfort in the fact that you turned his life around and gave him the chance to experience love and happiness. He was a very lucky lad to have found his way to you.

Goodnight Shadow, sleep tight little lad. xx
Thank you so much to you those who read and especially those who posted.

It's hit me like a ton of bricks that he's gone now :cry::cry::cry:

I had to take Barnaby to the vets this evening and when speaking of Shadow said that I was relieved, which is a complete load of rubbish. I'm glad he has no more suffering ahead of him but I so didn't want to lose him yet. I felt so awful for sounding as if I was wishing him dead.

Please don't feel awful, I said the same thing when Mischief passed away. It doesn't mean we wanted them dead, it means we care so much about them that we don't want them to be suffering. xx