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Bibble - Experienced Home Needed


Warren Scout
About a year ago I made the decision to cut out rabbit rescue and concentrate more on ferrets, rats and more difficult to home animals simply because there were so many rabbit and guinea pig rescues around and very few rescues for ferets, rats, degus, chinchillas and the like.

However, on Friday I received a phonecall from a lady who had a 2 and a half year old rabbit who she could not handle. No other rescue would take her because she was not rehomable.

This little lady had been inherited along with a male who they had castrated. Sadly he died soon after the operation from an infection.

Bibble (named by my brother) has been in her 3 foot hutch for the last 18 months with food being thrown in. She is not aggressive with people, but absolutely terrified!

When I went into her hutch to catch her she screamed like I was a fox about to munch her and got so scared that she gave herself a nosebleed.

The hutch that she was living in was absolutely filthy, rotten and drenched wet through and the food was sodden too where it had been raining. She has never had any hay (only straw) and has never had any veg (only processed rabbit food rubbish.

I have looked at her teeth and they are surprisingly very good. Totally in line and she has no runny eyes.

I have had a word with my vet who is against spaying her just yet because she is so terrified that she thinks that it is likely that she will die from fright at this stage. It has always been my policy to neuter rabbits before they go to new homes but I will have to follow vets advice on this one.

I am looking for a good home for Bibble who can confidence train her and pair her with an already neutered male. Because I cannot get her spayed I am not asking for a donation for her, but would like the new owner to keep in touch and let me know as and when this is done as it will need to be done when she is more settled.

Bibble is a little agouti Netherland Dwarf cross and is only slightly larger than a normal Nethie.

If anyone can help please contact me. She so deserves a good home now.

Emma - Surrey
Tel: 020 8407 1080/0797 356 9371
Email: Adrs@aol.com
This is Bibble when she arrived...


poor little girl ... we have had buns come in terrified like this ... most do come around with time and love

i hope someone can offer this poor bun a home where she will get just that .

Angie x
Bibble has had a definate hutch improvement!

We have an extremely nice 5 foot x 3 foot double tiered hutch that she has gone into. Each level is 3 foot high too so she can stretch herself right up. :D

She has done lots of exploring and has shown little interest in her toys but I think she might later on tonight. She hasn't eaten anything yet but that is to be expected. She has a small amount of veg to start her off as don't want her getting diarrhoea plus plenty of hay.

Now I will just leave her to settle in. The good news is that she allowed me to stroke her in the cat carrier for quite a while before she was transferred into her hutch. Yes she was terrified but then she came to the front of the cat carrier to have a look round and came out of the cat carrier of her own accord when I left it in the hutch.

She will be fine and we have hada hopeful enquiry already.

That poor little creature :cry:
Hope she finds someone who can give her the time she needs to gain some confidence and learn to love
This is my first post on what looks to be a great forum:)

Would just like to say that I have read all about Bibble and would love to offer her a forever home if she hasn't already been offered one.
I have always kept bunnies but am currently bunnyless after having to say goodbye to my last girl a couple of weeks ago.:cry: Her partner crossed to the bridge last year:cry:
I have a very large hutch (nearly 6 foot/double storey)and a secure garden where she would have free roam once settled.
I still have all the paper work from the rescue centres where my previous bunnies were from.
I am also at home most of the time so would be able to spend all the time Bibble needs to get her confidence back.
Have tried phoning but will keep on trying as I realise how busy you must be.

Take care.
Would just like to say that I have read all about Bibble and would love to offer her a forever home if she hasn't already been offered one.

Hi Housecat :wave:

You'll need to call the telephone number or email the addy given on the first post...Furry Friends doesn't come on here very often now that she doesn't take rabbits any more.

That's good news.

I am sure that you can make a big difference to this lovely bunny.

Keep us posted on your progress with her when she arrives. Oh yes, and we'd love some more pictures please.

Helen :D