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Best feed for an older rabbit..


Young Bun

As the title suggests, what is the best feed for an older (8/9 year old) rabbit who is a very fussy eater. He is currently on museli as he refuses all pellets that are offered :(

Any advice appreciated :)
It depends on his health to a certain extent. Is he needig help putting on weight? Will he still eat hay? His teeth will need a good eye keeping on them at that age so ideally lots of hay still if he will eat it
He has lost weight recently, which was needed, but he still needs to lose a little bit more. He eats a minimal amount of hay :( but this may be due to him being a free range bunny during the day, so he is constantly eating grass.

His teeth are fine at the moment, but he is a very selective feeder. He refuses any new food.
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What pellets have you tried? All mine like Science Selective and Excel...althoughs some buns get a sticky bum on Excel, so be cautious
What pellets have you tried? All mine like Science Selective and Excel...althoughs some buns get a sticky bum on Excel, so be cautious

I've tried him on the following:

D&H natural pellets
Science selective
P@H adult pellets
Oat pellets (from a local source, but I can't remember the name)
Burgess excel adult
Grass it good for teeth too.

Have you tried foraging for food and feeding him a more natural diet?
Have you tried foraging for food and feeding him a more natural diet?

I have tried introducing herbs, but he won't touch them. He likes things like lavender, and he loves his greens and small bits of apple. What other natural feeds would you suggest? :)