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Bella not eating, any advice?

Thank you, I hope so too. She's back to being a little monkey and trying to chew her blankets and the run she's in so hopefully she's on the mend :D
Possibly got my hopes up too soon. She's been eating quite a lot and has done 15 poops but still won't drink :-( I've tried putting a bowl of water in with parsley in, she took one piece out but hasn't touched the rest. She has a bottle but hasn't gone near it. She's still inside in our old small run and the bottles she's used to don't fit on so I don't know whether that's an issue. She keeps hopping off when we try to get her out as we wanted to try water in a syringe
If she has eaten some veg there will be moisture in that, so she might not feel the need to drink. xx
I'm just concerned that it wasn't much :-( I've got her out and tried with a syringe but she won't rake that either
Called the vets and they said to keep trying parsley in water as like you say veg has got water in anyway. Thankfully she has taken quite a bit of it again. She's also had fresh grass from the garden, we leave part of it uncut so it's nice and long, so she's eaten a fair amount of that so I suppose between the two she has still had quite a bit of water. I'm off to bed so hoping she will drink overnight, my boyfriend is staying up so will put more parsley in water for her. She's been eating quite a bit of hay and has had her pellets too so not concerned about her eating now, one less worry at least.
So pleased that Bella is eating again, I swear they do to us on purpose sometimes, little darlings :? Hope she keeps well now. Hope you sleep better tonight xx
Hope Bella is drinking today although if she has been eating wet parsley she probably doesn't need any more fluid :)
Pleased she is doing better. Doughnut who has ongoing stomach troubles has never been prescribed vetergesic to my knowledge. I just wonder what my specialist gives instead. She would be given metaclop, ranitidine, metacam and an IV if necessary. So she is never drowsy on these meds.
Bella is back to her usual cheeky self today and has been drinking from her bottle :D I don't think she wants to go away to be bonded with Toby so thought she'd play up :lol: