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Bella and Archie are back and seem very loved up!!


Alpha Buck
Well Bella and Archie have come back home today after a second bonding attempt. They had quite a nasty fight first time round so we had to separate them. But they have just spent 2 weeks with Karen and now seem to be loved up:)
I put them in the run when i got back and had no problems so i have now put them in their shed. I keep checking on them every 15 mins! Don't think i will be getting any sleep tonight!
Anyway here are a few pictures i took this evening, they seem very happy today so i hope it continues:) Thank you once again to Karen (ARC) for all her help, it is very much appreciated. x




Thanks everyone:D.

:wave:Hi - I'm so pleased that they are more settled this time. They make a gorgeous couple :love::love:

Thanks Gill, we too are so pleased! They seem very loved up now and they both groom and cuddle each other daily. Its so rewarding to see them both so happy.
I have emailed you the pictures tonight, many thanks again for all your help:)
Well done Gill. You are doing a great job missus....

Glad Archie is in love and has landed on his feet with such a nice home.