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Are my bonded bunnies playing or fighting?


New Kit
I've had Watson for around 6 or 7 years now, he was always an indoor rabbit and would sit in front of the fire and watch TV. However, I had to move house and due to the rental agreement and moving in with my partner who has chronic allergies, I moved him outside to the shed. Feeling guilty and wanting him to have the company he was used to, I contacted the RSPCA and arranged to have him bonded with with one of their older neutered female rescue rabbits, Bertha. They thought she was about 5 or 6. Watson and Bertha spent three days/nights together with the professional RSPCA bonder, and became very close and seemed happy together, grooming and snuggling up etc. They have the run of the shed during the nights and if we're away, and then the run of the fenced in bunny proofed yard during the days. They've been together since early March with no problems..

Today, as I've had the windows open due to the heat, I've heard scuffling, scratching and banging from the shed - when I go out, Watson runs to me with tufts of fur hanging out. I check Bertha and she has Watson's fur in her mouth. I stroke Watson to calm him and he appears to have Bertha's fur in his mouth. Neither of them are cut or bleeding so I imagine they're playing and go back inside. They then snuggle back up in the corner of the shed. An hour later, I hear the same noise and go out and the same thing, Watson comes barrelling out of the shed. He's now lying in the yard, whilst Bertha remains in her usual spot in the shed.

I know Bertha is a very skittish rabbit, she doesn't like being handled and is quite bossy when it comes to her food etc, and I know Watson is very very chilled out and may be a little bit hen pecked. Does this sound like they're fighting or playing? If they are fighting, they're fine together most of the time so could they just be scrapping over food or something?

Thanks in advance - Sorry for rambling on! I'm just worried about them... :oops:
Sorry to say fighting. Playing rabbits wouldn't have chunks of fur in their mouths. Sometimes humping could get fur, but that would mean only one rabbit with it and it can get settled down. Might be worth closing the space up a bit or scatter feeding if you think it's due to that.
Sorry to say fighting. Playing rabbits wouldn't have chunks of fur in their mouths. Sometimes humping could get fur, but that would mean only one rabbit with it and it can get settled down. Might be worth closing the space up a bit or scatter feeding if you think it's due to that.

Okay, I've separated them over the night by putting Watson in the cage and closing it, and leaving Bertha with run of the shed. That way if they're not fighting they can still see/smell each other, but if they are fighting they can't actually get at each other. My boyfriend has just said that them fighting has coincided with the couple of days we've run out of their proper food. He thinks maybe they're fighting because normally they have their "mature rabbit nuggets" (as well as their usual hay and veg), but they're having to survive on rabbit muesli (and hay and veg) until we can get to the pet shop on Monday. As she's so protective of her food, he's wondering if they're fighting over the best bits of the muesli.... I guess it's possible, as they've not fought before in the three months they've been together. We'll try and feed them separately until we can get their proper food, and then keep an eye on them I guess.

So sad! :cry: