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Alternative to ramps


Mama Doe
Hi all, i posted a pic of my new hutch/run combo yesterday and all is going great they are really happy i did lock them in last night as they hadn't yet used the ramp to get up and down the stairs yet. I opened the trap door this morning so they could get into the run.

Other half has just popped back to check on them and they still haven't used the ramp to venture down stairs into the run.

Whilst Gizmo has has a short ramp before in his 2 level crate Hazel has never used it and just jumped between levels, the ramp in the happy hutch run combo is actually quite steep and the positioning of the trap door does not really allow for jumping up.

Does anyone have any ideas or pictures of an alternative to a ramp?

Gizmos eyes are not the best these days and Hazel can be a but wobbly on her feet so i would hate for them to get in a pickle whilst i am out at work
Waffles was scared of ramps when I first got her - we put her at the bottom and she hopped up and then realised it wasn't scary and was fine hopping up and down it so that might be worth a try

Otherwise maybe a box/shelf to hop onto
I got rid of the ramp and sawed half of the floor away in the top of the hutch. My bunnies now use the sleeping are in the top of the hutch now.



This hutch leads into another 4 x 2 x 2 hutch and then attaches to a run.

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