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Almost Time!


Warren Scout
Hello again RU!:wave: How is everyone? Well I hope you're all good, because I'm excited! It's almost time to start bonding Hazel and Fiver! I'm going to start on their birthday the 30th. It's really only Hazel's but I think it's easier to celebrate them both on the same day.
The plan goes like this. Neutralize my bedroom, pen and litter box. Hazel's had free run of most of the house other than the den, so I'm just going to have to make a small neutral-ish space next to the bed. I'm worried Fiver might get out of the pen if I don't have it in my room. Then I'll arrange the pen walls so it's smaller, about the size of two medium-large cat boxes. I'll get the OH to drive them around the block once or twice in the carrier together first, then into the pen they go. If either of them looks like they might try to make a jump, I'll put the top on. If it's looking good, after 48 hours, I'll make the pen to it's original size, which is about double.

I'm so thrilled to start, as it already looks like it might be an easy bond. Fiver has been grooming Hazel though the bars the pen, and last night while we were grooming them on the couch, they got on the back of it and had their noses together. It was like Hazel put her head under him to be groom and he did the same at the same time and they just stayed that way till Fiver finally gave in and groomed her.
Sounds like you have it all worked out :) and the initial signs are encouraging.
Lots of bonding vibes for the 30th for Hazel and Fiver.