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Alfie 17/10/04 -25/10/08


Mama Doe
I will never know why you were called away so suddenly, my special little man, always so full of life and never one to miss a food opportunity! That's why I knew something was wrong, when you didn't bounce out to meet meet me for dinner.:cry: You slipped away so quickly in my arms, I only hope I didn't let you down in any way.
We spent so long looking for a bun wife for you after losing Phoebee last year, but sadly you didn't find anyone else, so you were clearly a one bun boy. We have decided to lay you with Phoebee and I hope she met you at the bridge and are together once again.
There is a huge hole in my heart today and I am in tears writing this. You were loved so much, there are just no words.
You will never know just how much joy you brought into my world and I hated seeing you on your own. I just hope you were happy in your final months.
I love and miss you terribly, binky free my sweet little boy.:cry:

With your sisters and brother

With your beloved Phoebee
