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After Bonding Care


Alpha Buck
In two weeks my six buns are going away for a week to be bonded together... fingers crossed :love: Im so excited.

What I am worried about is them coming back and fighting in the garden? They will be moving into a new shed, so there home wont be a problem, but surely the garden will be territorial still?

Is there anything I can do?
Just reintroduce them to the garden veeery slowly. I would keep them shut in the shed for at least another week, possibly longer for 6 - are you able to do that, i.e. do you have a suitable mesh type door to allow fresh air in but keeping them confined?

I would see if you can borrow some run panels if you don't already have some, and then just slowly increase the available space over the next couple of weeks, ensuring that they are ok in each space you give them before increasing it again the following day or couple of days. I certainly wouldn't want to let them all out in the whole garden for a good few weeks yet, they need to be absolutely confident in all their bonds before they can be trusted to mooch around a whole garden.

Good luck x
Yes I can keep them in the shed for a while - as long as possible hopefully to ensure they are ok and dont fight. I will be manually adjusting the shed so the door can stay open during the day without them getting out..

I have one run! I might have to try and think of a way of introducing the garden to them bit by bit..