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Advice on bonding please...


Young Bun
I'm looking to get this particular mini lop from a rescue home, but I have decided I would like two rabbits.
Would it be best to pick out another rabbit when I go to pick her up? Or wait a couple of months before introducing another rabbit?
I don't know much about bonding, so please, all advice is welcome.
Thanks, Lauren.
Is it a rescue centre that you are getting it from or just a private individual? A rescue centre would match them up for you and bond them ready
Yup have a chat with the rescue, they may have a particular rabbit in mind for bonding with a complimenting personality. :)
yep, if it's two individuals from the same centre they'll be bonded before you get them :)

on a related note, if you saw two individuals you liked from different centres they are often willing to bond them together (one centre would take bonding duties!) for you, although they may try and push you to take one of theirs!

if, for some reason, they won't, you can take the rabbit you like and then approach another rescue once you have her, they will bond your existing pet with the one of your choice from the rescue :)
i'm sure the rescue you choose will happily bond the buns for you:)

do you think you've found 'the one'?:love:
i'm sure the rescue you choose will happily bond the buns for you:)

do you think you've found 'the one'?:love:

I'm going to ring them in a minute, and see what they can do for me.
Well, yes! :love: I sure hope so, the one I've chosen had a brother, but he's been reserved :( so unfortunately can't have him aswell.
As them to hand pick one of their other buns that is likely to be a good pall and let them do the work!!!!!
I'm in the throws of bonding one rescue rab with my bun so definitely let them do the work if poss!!!!
It's FAR more complicated than you can ever imagine!!!!!

Good luck!!!!