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Advice needed - Weeing at me, pulling fur out...


Young Bun
Blossom is just over 5 months old now. She has been an indoor bunny and has lots of attention when we are here. In the last 2 weeks she has started weeing at me and in her area. She pulled out fur yesterday and is generally a little miserable.

She is being spayed on Friday so I am hoping this will help.

Is this common signs of an un-spayed doe? I am more inclined to think that she is actually a little lonely and will get her a male friend if the spaying doesnt change things. If I do then they will have to be outside rabbits. I have a wooden playhouse that can be modified. I would rather not though as we love having her inside. Is it ok to change her to an outdoor rabbit after being indoors?

Since the weeing I have started putting her outside in a large area with a small hutch that is left open for her. Trying to get rabbit out of a carpet is not the easiest thing!! At night she comes back in.

Any thoughts of advice?
it does sound like hormonal behaviour so may reduce after spaying, although the changes can take time. she will be much happier with a friend for companionship so i would definitely 100% do that after she has been spayed (about 6 weeks post op she will be ready)

you could put the pair outside as long as its done before october time so they have time to grow a winter coat. 2 bunnies indoors is really no more trouble than one though ;)
Thank you. Thats good to hear. If we do get another rabbit it will a rescue one so it will give me time to look around. It would be nice to have her running around the living again and not outside.