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advice 6 weeks later... is this a good start?

winnies angel

Mama Doe
well 6 weeks ago jack was neutered and yesterday was the day to start bonding,
I took winnie and angel to my mams shed and jack also (after a nice car ride) we popped them into the pen and at first winnie was pulling jacks fur out and vice versa but if things looked like it was getting bad angel would put herself between the boys and all would calm down (nowt serious) after half hour all were sitting washing in seperate corners. Bit later we decide to bring jack back with us with his cage.
All 3 together in a cage for the ride home (I had them on my knee with hand in incase of any fights) so cute all snuggling together.
Got home and they all hopped into the hutch angel went for pee, winnie went for hay jack went for sniff about. Bout half later jack decide he wanted to hump winnie so bit fur started to fly again. (not too worried as this is what winnie and angels like when they are randy) so jack wentinto his cage opposite.
Is this good so far?
Now they keep going and peeking on him throuh bars occassional scratch but then they lie a peep next to the cage.
Only problem now is last night jack started to spray how long before his hormones calm down? (winnie wasnt haoppy being peed on)
I dont think I should take him back to my mams but I dont have experience with this so please any help would be great?
im a little confused ar ethey all in one cage together now after bonding or in seperate cages side by side?!x
jack is in his own cage opposite the others hutch but the original 2 are free roaming so they can go and see him.
As I didn't want to leave them all together in hutch as its a bit small for them to fur pull and could have injured them so thought best to keep them close enough to see and smell and keep introducing.
Not really sure whats best hence why need advise?
Winston and angel always stay out of hutch. Obv I cant let jack free roam yet as he aint poty trained and still spraying.