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Adopted Pair with aggresive female


New Kit
Hi, I am really really new to all of this!

My partner and I have adopted from a friend a pair of rabbits. We have a male dutch who is a year old and neutered and a 7 month old english spot female.

We got them 2 week ago and they have the run of the house, but for the last week the female seems to be reaaly upset over something. Preciously the pair got on really well, very loving and happy with each other.

Now she is always making squeaky growly noises at her mate and he is chasing her constantly.
We had to take her to the emergency vets on monday as when we got up in the moring she was bleeding from a cut to her back, presumably from a fight in the night.

We were advised to keep them seperate at night, but to to let them associate during the day.

The male is fine with that and is behaving as normal but the female is biting the cage bars when we put her in at night and she is pulling all the hay out of the rack and making a sort of pile with it. She has lots of toys and things and they run free for the whole day but she seems to be getting worse and now she is nipping myself and my partner and being really thumpy and unhappy.

They both have plenty of food, water, space and freedom and lots of attention from both of us but I am worried I am doing something wrong?

The male was neutered at four months old and she is being neutered in three weeks.

Has anyone got any ideas what we could do to make her happier? Also any tips on handling her and him and getting them a little more used to human contact. They will sit on us but run away if we move at all and they seem to be very scared, although we were told they were handled all the time it seems the information may not have been as accurate as we were led to believe.

Many, many thanks in advance!
Kate x
It could well be related to her hormones. Females can be quite territorial and once there is aggression going on it tends to lead to both getting grumpy.

Is it possible to bring her spay forward a couple of weeks?

To make friends sit on the floor with them, particularly at dinner time, and hand feed them food. They are testing you out so they'll gradually start running away less as they realise you're not going to chase them :)
Thanks Tamsin, the vet said that we have to wait for the wound to heal sadly as she is on antibiotics, the only other thing she keeps doing is she is gathering all the food and beeding up together but isn't eating it, she just sits there with it all in her mouth? Is that hormone related?
Thanks Tamsin, the vet said that we have to wait for the wound to heal sadly as she is on antibiotics, the only other thing she keeps doing is she is gathering all the food and beeding up together but isn't eating it, she just sits there with it all in her mouth? Is that hormone related?

She's nesting, most likely in her case due to a false pregnancy. This will probably stop after neutering, and she will probably be a bit less grumpy too :)