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Acts like he wants to be groomed, but then gets shy?


Warren Scout
Hi, I adopted a male lionhead bunny two weeks ago. He always comes up to me and will sit beside me, and nudged my elbows and hands like he wants to be petted or groomed. But when I try to stroke him he just gets scared and hops away! Why do you think he does this and does he really want to be groomed?
I would say just hang in there & give him time to get up his confidence.
Its great that he's approaching you. You could offer him a treat when he does this so he gets a bit of positive reinforcement.
Also try just a tiny nose rub with just a finger first of all rather than a full on pat.
It really sounds like you are both doing well with each other....remember its still early days :)
I would say just hang in there & give him time to get up his confidence.
Its great that he's approaching you. You could offer him a treat when he does this so he gets a bit of positive reinforcement.
Also try just a tiny nose rub with just a finger first of all rather than a full on pat.
It really sounds like you are both doing well with each other....remember its still early days :)

Thanks for the advice, he is on and off. Sometimes he wants to cuddle but then he gets in a huff and hops off. Lol
He sounds precious! :lol:

I found with my little ones Indiana & arrabella - two very different charachters - 10 weeks old are slowly getting there with me too!

Great that hes approaching you - hes not scared!:)
I do little strokes as though it were another bunny or their mum licking them....they enjoy it....when hes confident with that and starts nudging to say "I want some more!"....try full nose trokes and slowly work your way around their ears back & front and to their cheeks....
They have scent glands on their cheeks which is why they rub their cheeks on things - to mark it as theirs...so if he does this with you - its a good thing that you can return by rubbing him!

I got mine to jump on my back....nose bump my nose, come running to me for a fuss and rub or lets me rub their nose & cheeks while they have a snooze....I had mine for 2 weeks monday coming...BUT Ive lain on the floor every morning & evening to be at their level....Ive made sure I calm them before picking them up - they not too keen...but I need to be able to handle them for their own safety & to do health checks - but the getting wise to this and runaway! lol!:lol:
Key: Patience! Lots of it! :lol:

My OH gets frustrated because they still abit wary of him...why - well because it takes time time time....and hesbeen working hard! So hopefully patience will win out!

Also - it might be nicer for him to have a friend?
They groom each other...teach each other things and keep each other company - mine play tag with me - but also with each other - it important for them to be able to interact as a bunny....

Im sure you already know - but do make sure you know how to pick them up properly - they can hurt themselves & you if not done right.....there some good youtube bits of vets showing oyu how ot handle bunnies....I found this quite helpful!:)

Hope this helps......gonna go give my buns a fuss! they been out all day today jumping round the dining room! lol! :love:
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