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Accomodation for 2 rescued Giants

Hi, if you are looking for a bargain shed remember to check out your local freecyle as you sometimes get them listed or you could put a request in - if you have means of dismantling one and getting it home you're on a winner. Also the local paper may prove fruitful for a cheap secondhand shed, youre going to have to do some diy anyway.

They are beautiful bunnies - I think I would be keeping them as house buns if they were mine.
Hi, if you are looking for a bargain shed remember to check out your local freecyle as you sometimes get them listed or you could put a request in - if you have means of dismantling one and getting it home you're on a winner. Also the local paper may prove fruitful for a cheap secondhand shed, youre going to have to do some diy anyway.

Definitely agree. I got an old 1960's sewing machime off my local freecycle last week, it's amazing and is still in perfect working order.

£100 , even better. Though it is overlap. And I should be able to get it for £80.
In an ideal world I would like to cut it so that it was only 4ft high. Would that be possible? Or would that be a nightmare job?

I dont think the gf would be too happy with them indoors. She loves animals but isnt too keen on them being indoors :(

Not bad, overlap isn't the best. My shed is and I wouldn't get another like it. If it needs to be shorter what about http://www.diy.com/diy/jsp/bq/nav.j...refview=search&ts=1254779330978&isSearch=true ?

£100 , even better. Though it is overlap. And I should be able to get it for £80.
In an ideal world I would like to cut it so that it was only 4ft high. Would that be possible? Or would that be a nightmare job?

I dont think the gf would be too happy with them indoors. She loves animals but isnt too keen on them being indoors :(

I'd keep to full height if at all possible - its easier for cleaning (unless you are vertically challenged!) and nicer for spending time in with the buns.
The buns have come at a time when we were tearing down the garden and re-landscaping. On the plus side, it gives us good planning, but on the negative, it has affected our original ideas.
We intended to buy a large shed (8 x 10 perhaps) to put our bikes etc in. Buying a 2nd shed just for 2 adopted rabbits is proving hard to justify, especially as I am insisting on a 2m run to give them adequate maneuverability when they are not free to roam the garden.

I looked at the bike store. The biggest issue is that it is (like the item I looked at earlier) too small to split in 2 whilst we wait for the male to be ready to be neutered.

Good point about the height...hadn't considered cleaning it :)

Thanks for all your advice, a real friendly forum :)
We are buying the 6 x 4 overlap shed for £80 :)
I hope that it will be durable (I would anticipate it lasting as long as the giant bunnies). They will have 6 x 2 each for a while though until the male has his bits removed.
Will I need to put plywood or something in to stop them chewing through it? (threads on here suggest problems with overlaps). Or are there people out there who have no problems with overlap sheds? :wave:

Just got to find a decent run now for them (preferably 1 that can be split in half if required in the short term when we can not watch them).