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ABNORMAL Droppings

Louise G

Warren Scout
I'm in the process of bonding a single female with neuterd pair and have just noticed she is doing tiny almost reddish brown droppings. They are usually dark brown/black and a lot bigger. Does anyone know what might be causing this? She hasn't eaten/drunk much today?
Sounds as though her GI tract has slowed right down as a result of stress (from bonding).

How long has she been with the other two ?
Oh nooo :( she's been with them since about 2pm so about 7 hours. She's barely eaten but started drinking. Haven't seen her pass urine either. The dominant bunny who terrified her is now feeding about 20cm away and hasn't shown any agression yet for a good while. I'm going to get some apple and curly kale (her faves) to see if I can tempt her. What would you reccomend I do? Thanks loads x
IMO If she does not start eating soon I would be tempted to seperate until she is back to normal as like Jane said bonding can cause a lot of stress and even though you want the bond to be quick it is not worth risking one of the bunnies health to do so.
It could really cause damage if she is holding in her urine too so I really would think about seperating for now and try again another day.
We had a similar problem when bonding Cookie with Jimby, when she was in the pen with him she would not eat/drink/pee or poop so we were advised by the vets to call it a day and try again the next day if she was eating again as it was not fair on her.