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A stupid litter tray qu.

Cutting down on the amount of hay I put in the litter tray is something that would probably work for me. I find it funny that such a fussy bunny as Spenser seems to particularly enjoy nomming hay enhanced with the flavour of wee. He sort of licks his lips. :mrgreen:


What is it about old hay?! Mine will jump straight in the new box, eat a bit, then get out and go sit in the old tray again :lol::lol::lol:
i have 2 shallow trays and they get skipped out each day (poos and hay removed), fresh hay and the wet removed. every other day or so i take the lot out, clean and replace.
i change trays daily (only use newspaper and hay in mine) and give them a good wipe out when i think about it:oops:

essie's is rarely wet or poopy these days as she likes to mark the garden instead:)
I change the litter box daily, tip the box into a black bag and then give it a wipe with pet safe spray and kitchen roll, then add a layer of megazorb and put hay up the one end, the box then goes under the hay basket

Instead of carrying the boxes down stairs could you take a black bin bag with you to empty the trays into, I find the really cheap basic bags are fine as the rubbish is not usually heavy

You could keep some kitchen roll and spray in the rooms to use for cleaning
I only take out the dirty stuff twice a day, they get a full change and wipe down 2-3 times a week, if I did it daily I would spend a fortune on MegaZorb and my neighbours would not be impressed as we share 1 green wheelie bin between our house and the two flats next door, I pretty much fill it as it is!
OK so I have the washing up bowls, finally! Both lionheads seem quite happy with the change although Smudge fills up the bowl quite a bit :oops: We've had a small change-around as Smudge seems to like having a tray under my desk so currently their blue bed is where the litter tray was and the tray is where the blue bed was. Whether it'll stay that way is anyone's guess! I'm not sure I'll be able to do them every day but I'm going to aim for every other day and see how it goes.