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A Rescues Soapbox * warning upsetting pics *

I often stand on my own soap box on behalf of rescues and I'm very proud to be part of a great team which supports one :D:thumb:

You know what I think & how I feel. I couldn't do it and don't know how you and others like you do. To give so much and receive so little (apart from abuse & disappointment - that's always on offer :roll:) but still keep going, day in day out is quite simply amazing. I have a very a special kind of respect for people that work with animals in this way, especially when they do so on a voluntary basis.

I just wish there were more selfless people in the word because it would be such a nicer placer to be, for everyone.
I agree with everything jill says as only today I have been told I am a horrible person as I wouldn't take a rabbit (no space) as she got it 2 days ago

Yeah, you're horrible you are....:roll::roll: I would have wanted to smack her one!:evil:

Why was she giving it up?
Rescue work is a strange place - I can't liken it to any other way of life. We experience the absolute worst of human nature and then we (thankfully) meet wonderful people who come along to lighten our load just as we are teetering on the brink of despair.

Nothing ever suprises me anymore, but I still feel sad that there are so many ill advised /poorly researched people buying animals. Sometimes people seem to put more thought into buying a handbag than an animal - then rescues pick up the pieces of the ignorant public.

So many rescues are simply individuals who want to make a difference to animal welfare, individuals who give up every hour of their day, every penny that they earn, every square inch of their home. Holidays and familes regularly forgotten, "me" time put on hold forever !:roll:

Sometimes the sheer enormity of the task in hand is quite overwhelming though and you have every right to get out that soap box and shout. It's what we're passionate about and what drives us to do what you do - regardless of how exhausting and frustrating it appears.

You have my full and respectful support x

Long live "The Crusade" ;););)
Those who work in animal rescue spend as much time dealing with people as we do animals.
It isn't all cuddling little creatures.
It is dealing with idiots who have bought 3 baby rabbits for their under 5's for Christmas and by Jan 2nd no longer wants them.
It is going to a Backyard breeder and trying not to either shout or cry when you see the conditions.
It is comforting an elderly lady who has become too ill to look after her much loved pet.
It is time and again having the same person contact you asking to adopt, spending hours on the phone and /or e mail with them, to see them pop up on the net with yet another pet-shop buy.
It is trying to talk the person who has too many rabbits and cannot cope, but cannot see this, to surrender some for their sake and the rabbits, but having to walk away when they won't see sense.

We do not go out of our way to upset or get at people, if we did we wouldn't last long in the rescue world.
We do have opinions which don't always agree with everyone else. These are normally with animal welfare in mind.
We ask those that disagree to at least read properly what we write and take a few minutes to think about it.

We also have our soapboxes and we do our best to stand on them.
Here's mine


I stand on it at often as I can..if I get off the lid comes open
and this spills out


:thumb: good post ... got it in one
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I have so much respect for rescues. I cant even imagine what they have to go through.

My two were from rescues, and the pictures from when they came in could match some of those in the OP. :(
I know several people who work with animals who are having a tough time as the moment, either through ignorant people making silly comments to them, losing animals they have tried so hard to save or just feeling the burden of irresponsible peoples' actions which land on our shoulders.
Please think of them all and if you know someone who is trying to make a difference give them a pat on the back, it could be just enough to keep them going
Jill - as we can't quite reach you to give you a pat on the back at the moment, but Willow and Goose send some long range whisker wiffles to you!

Like Jen, we help from the sidelines and have the utmost respect for those who deal with the public - caring for the foster buns and seeing their confidence, health and happiness improve is a rewarding experience and something we are priviledged to be able to help with.