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35 gorgeous bunnies in need of rescue space or forever homes- photos- before 15th Apr

Awwwwww! Claude looks just like Baby Marbles and Clover looks just like Lucky! Too cute! :love:

You don't happen to have an older single neutered female by any chance? Just have a lady who has just lost a bunny and needs a friend for her existing male. Most of our single females have now been paired up and the others are unsuitable for various reasons.
You don't happen to have an older single neutered female by any chance? Just have a lady who has just lost a bunny and needs a friend for her existing male. Most of our single females have now been paired up and the others are unsuitable for various reasons.

Is she called Kathryn? I've had a similar email. I haven't got any older females, just one older male. The only single female is Lucky, who is 10 months old I think.