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3+1=4 (Update - given up - Post 119)


Wise Old Thumper
Following on from such hits as 2+2=4 and Help, Bonding injury Bunny Warren pictures brings you 3+1=4 :lol:

OK, I would just like some opinions. This is The Plan™

On Friday we wil be having the men from the flooring place round to measure up my bedroom (which is also the bunnies room) for lino. We'll also be getting a delivery of hardboard to go down underneath. Then when they've all gone I will be starting bonding (or I may do it earlier in the day if I have time).

Im going to take all four in the cleaned large carrier for a drive. Then I'm going to set up a small area of four panels with a plastic sheet and newspaper and hay underneath. Before moving up to five panels with plastic sheet and old duvet underneath with litter tray. And then six panels, etc.

I'm going to move my mattress downstairs and sleep down there for about a week while they rebond and while Dad puts down the hardboard and then we'll clear the room for when they hopefully come to put the lino down the next Friday. Then after the lino is laid I'll spray some vinegar on the lower walls, lower wardrobe doors, bedposts. Clean their dog crate and do something with the curtains - I expect they'll have to go to the dry cleaners unless they are ok in the washing machine.

Then reintroduce them upstairs.

Does that sound feasible?
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Sounds good to me. Be careful not to increase the space too quickly even if they look like they are getting on - pics are of course required
I've got a week+ to gradually do it so I'm going to go slow. I'm going to give each setup at least a day before adding a new panel. Pictures will most certainly be on here!
Oooh good luck with this (again :lol: ) x


It's so annoying, they were doing so well. hopefully it'll be a little more straightforward this time. (And this time I ain't letting them in the spare room until it's lino-ed, painted and has no trace of Nutmeg and Smudge's previous occupancy any longer!)
Bonding has commenced!

I put them together tonight because my sleep pattern is once again screwed so I'll probably be up all night anyway. Initially there was a little boxing from Nutmeg. Then she sat in the corner, ears up snapping every time they came near so I put them all in the carrier and we went for a drive (and McDonalds :oops:). She's still on edge but a bit more settled. She's currently bum to bum with Mischa, still on alert but ears nowhere near as as far forward. The other three have been fine. They've been more interested in the hay. Smudge was a bit spooked by the car ride and sat looking a bit surprised when we got back.
Bonding has commenced!

I put them together tonight because my sleep pattern is once again screwed so I'll probably be up all night anyway. Initially there was a little boxing from Nutmeg. Then she sat in the corner, ears up snapping every time they came near so I put them all in the carrier and we went for a drive (and McDonalds :oops:). She's still on edge but a bit more settled. She's currently bum to bum with Mischa, still on alert but ears nowhere near as as far forward. The other three have been fine. They've been more interested in the hay. Smudge was a bit spooked by the car ride and sat looking a bit surprised when we got back.

:lol: McDonalds ! Hope it works out, they are beautiful, hopefully Nutmeg is just warning them off - can't blame her really, she probably still remembers the last trip to the vet and is thinking - no way not again! Fingers crossed they are good for mummeh xx
She let them all get quite close then, then thumped and jumped over Smudge. She's been a nervous, feisty bun ever since I got her. I think the carrier works well cos she HAS to get close up and she's been better after than before. I anticipate lots of car journeys. The MaccyD's is a 24hour one :oops:

She started moving around a bit then. I don't have enough hay in really. I don't think I can wander round the garage in the dark though and I daren't leave them for that long yet.
OK what do you do when one rabbit is both the chaser and chasee?

This is very similar to how Nutmeg reacted when I bonded her with the lops a year ago.
I'm getting bored now. So have some photos.



Oooooooooooo-kaaaaaaay. Nutmeg has been standing with her front paws on the side of the pen for about 10 minutes now. :roll:


"Mummeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! Let me oooooooooout! There are three strange furry things in here!!"
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Am starting to think it's not always the others spooking Nutmeg. There was a cat meowing on the telly and she thumped several times. Smudge was standing over her earlier and she didn't flinch. I got a little video on my phone, will post it later.
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Good luck - hope it works out this time. I cant offer any advice, as I was a coward and got the rescue to bond my two to their partners :lol:
I dunno if I should say this but so far it's been much easier than last time. There has been only a tiny bit of nipping and no chasing apart from Nutmeg chasing herself. :roll: I'm all right leaving them for a few minutes and I think I'll be increasing the space this evening.
Oooooooooooo-kaaaaaaay. Nutmeg has been standing with her front paws on the side of the pen for about 10 minutes now. :roll:


"Mummeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! Let me oooooooooout! There are three strange furry things in here!!"

Lol "pleeeeaaasssseeee release me....."
Quick qu.

Small poos indicate a low intake of hay yes?

We've got some small compact poos this morning. Could this be because Nutmeg didn't eat a lot of hay last night?

They've all had their pellets this morning and they've all been tucking into hay since about 5am.
Quick qu.

Small poos indicate a low intake of hay yes?

We've got some small compact poos this morning. Could this be because Nutmeg didn't eat a lot of hay last night?

They've all had their pellets this morning and they've all been tucking into hay since about 5am.

Could be not eating much hay, or just the upset of bonding, I wouldn't worry too much

I would not give them more space too quickly, when I bonded my four I left them in the small space for a couple of days before increasing slightly