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I have just posted this on the other thread about this poor bunny

From what I have read the bunny went back to its original home as it wasn't the owner of the bunny that had anything to do with it. She was on holiday along with the home owner, the sister who did it was just house sitting.

It might be possible that the owner actually cares very much for her pet and that she is devastated by what has happened to it, so it would be awful if her pet was taken away from her if that was the case.

But obviously from a tabloid newspaper we have no idea what the situation is :?
I'm almost in tears!
That's absolutely terrible!
That's just pure evil :evil:
I hope and pray that Bunny is okay.
After seven cans of lager, she was certainly drunk :censored: and with children asleep in the house :censored::censored::censored:

I hope, for that poor beautiful bunny's sake, if he HAD to go back to his home, he got a new house to live in and a friend to share it with. I hate to see them alone. I know not everyone can have more than one, or wants more than one, but when they're stuck out in the garden like that I can't help feeling it would be like a human marooned on a desert island, never again seeing another of our own kind.

Sorry if I'm speaking out of turn, but I saw the article by accident when I was at work this morning, looking for something else, and it upset me terribly (a) to see him in that state and (b) to see him sat in his burned, blackened hutch, alone and in shock :cry: