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Search results

  1. B

    Bunny used to eat in the garden, now he runs

    When we took our Tofu out into the garden, he used to be head down eating everything he could for a good 10 minutes non-stop. But I've noticed that when we take him out now, he spends the first 10 minutes sprinting around and binkying instead. He nibbles, but doesn't feast like he used to...
  2. B

    Tofu not drinking much

    Tofu has not been drinking much this week but he seems his usual happy self. I only notice that he hasn't been drinking much because he used to share a water bowl with his brother but now that his brother has passed, there is a lot of water in the bowl. It is full every day. Maybe Tofu never...
  3. B

    Rabbit proofing your house - cool pickets

    Just browsing cool ways to rabbit proof and came across these stick on pickets designed to hide cables. Could make or get these made quite easily I imagine. Thought I better share. I'll collect this for my ultimate rabbit proof home, but for now, we are renting so won't be putting these up!
  4. B

    Haven't trimmed Tofu's nails yet

    All our previous rabbits had to have their nails clipped about once a month but Tofu (6 months) doesn't seem to need a trim. Is it because he is so young and they just haven't had a chance to grow too long yet? He doesn't dig much, but he gets to go out on the deck, garden and garage which might...
  5. B

    Sweet corn husks?

    So it's sweetcorn season around here and the corn is delicious and cheap. I've got all these outer husks that I'm throwing away. Just wondered if anyone knows if bunnies can eat them?
  6. B

    The essence of rabbit - art project

    The essence of Rabbit Some of you might be interested in this huge effort in celebration of rabbits in art and design. It's just too bad they are already sold out. Would have loved one of these.
  7. B

    Here's what the final stages of E Cunicul can look like

    This is the last photo that was taken of Olliver before he died this week. See how his arms are spread out like a superman pose? That is because he was paralysed. His back legs were also paralysed and he couldn't get up. This is just a reference pic for those that do not know what E Cuniculi...
  8. B

    Sharmi the Easter Bun

    This talk about Easter Bunnies prompted me to dig out a couple of photos that I took of Sharmi (rip) last Easter. She passed away a few months later. She was very old. At least 10 years but we only had her for a year.
  9. B

    How much water and critical care to give?

    Olliver was diagnosed with E. Cuniculi and Toxiplasmosis on January 17th and was given the 6 week course - which we are still giving him. The bunnies have been at my parents house this weekend as we were out of town. This afternoon around 4pm my Dad said that Olliver was weak. When we picked...
  10. B

    Is sand good for burrowing?

    We are picking up an exercise run for our buns today or tomorrow. It's 2.5 metres square and over 1 metre high. Thinking of putting a deep litter box into the ground and filling it with sand for them to dig. Is that a good idea? We have to get a run because Tofu enjoys digging so much that...
  11. B

    List of rabbit breeds/colours with pics

    Is there an online list of rabbit breeds/colours with pics? I would like to have a go at identifying my current and past buns. Failing that, I will post pictures :)
  12. B

    What do you do with bunny poo?

    Does anyone recycle bunny poo? When we were little, our bunny hutch had a tray underneath so all the poops fell into it (we didn't use hay for litter). Dad would empty the tray of poop into the vege garden. Did wonders! Nowdays though, we have house rabbits so they don't just poo into an empty...
  13. B

    One bunny is rounder than the other

    Tofu and Olliver are bonded brothers of the same litter. They are neutered and 6 months old. Tofu is a lot rounder (as well as longer) than Olliver but they seem to both be eating the same amount of food (though it's hard to tell). Olliver has a healthy appetite, but Tofu doesn't seem to love...
  14. B

    Tofu made an escape!

    Tofu made an escape! (bun in my avatar) He caused quite a commotion in the neighbourhood. He dug a hole under the fence behind a tree in the corner of our yard and got out. Of course since he's never met a car and apparently he had no fear of them and cars had to stop since he was on the road...
  15. B

    At what age are buns "adult" size

    At what age are buns "adult" and stop growing (lenthways, I'm sure they, like us can continue growing sideways :lol:). I just want to know when our buns are at about their max size. Sorry if this has been asked before!
  16. B

    Leaving the apple skin

    I was just thinking about our Sharmi (went to rainbow bridge last year) and how every time we gave her a bit of apple she would eat the fruit and leave behind the skin. It was seriously paper thin. Such a lady she was! Anyone else's buns do that?
  17. B

    Olliver and Tofu's mum

    Hi, I'm Buda, living in Auckland, New Zealand. We only had rabbits as pets growing up and love them to bits. We have 2 lops, Olliver and Tofu who are brothers, neutred and best friends. They're 6 months now and are toilet trained house bunnies. Olliver had a near death experience about 2 weeks...