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Search results

  1. J

    Thumping rabbit .... No idea what to do!

    She's in the base of the guinea pig cage (I'm not using the lid!), with a box to hide in, her litter tray etc. I use a play pen Type gate to block off the rest of the room when we are in bed. So she has loads of room!
  2. J

    Thumping rabbit .... No idea what to do!

    Hi, I posted about Barney being pts, and asked advice about Bluebell. Following that, we've brought her indoors so she has company and warmth. However, in the early hours, she thumps. I've been up since 4.30am. I have a baby and a toddler.... I don't need Bluebell keeping me up too! She's...
  3. J

    Rabbit now alone

    Thanks :) I opened the door and she went out today. She was out for a good couple of hours until I brought her in. She was trying to get back into the shed :( I hope she gets used to being indoors again. And coming back in when she's had enough of being out.
  4. J

    Rabbit now alone

    Thank you for your replies. Tonight we've brought Bluebell indoors. We're using the base of the guinea pig cage (it's big!) and a pen to keep her in one corner until she gets used to it. She's just sitting in the litter tray at the moment.
  5. J

    Rabbit now alone

    Thanks for your replies. They used to be house rabbits until we moved here 4 years ago. Since then they've had the run of the whole garden every day. She won't have that freedom inside, unless I physically put her outside during the day. Is it cruel to take her away from the outdoors and...
  6. J

    Rabbit now alone

    I apologise if this is in the wrong place. Tonight my beloved Barney was PTS. He was around 7yrs, 9 mths. I have Bluebell left behind. She's a bit older, we think around 8.5. Is there anything I can do to help her not feel lonely? Should I be rehoming her so she can live with other...
  7. J

    Keeping predators away?

    Must have been a cat then. In the 6 months we have lived here I have never seen a fox, so I am hoping they haven't decided to start visiting now. The garden is completely enclosed apart from the area that I had blocked off to stop the buns getting out. I think I will get some higher fencing...
  8. J

    Keeping predators away?

    My rabbits were just out (I let them out every eve until it gets dark). I happened to look out and saw something else (cat/fox) looking at them. I ran out (wrapped in a towel!) and it had jumped over a barrier I had put there to stop the buns getting out. When I started to go to scare it...
  9. J

    How to cool down the shed?

    Thanks for the replies. I have replaced some of the glass with wire mesh. I have also bought a battery operated fan that's meant for dog crates. And I have a bottle of water in the freezer ready for hot days! I also have some ceramic tiles somewhere, so might put those down for them to lay...
  10. J

    How to cool down the shed?

    Thank you, I will definitely do the water bottles for now. Going to B and Q tomorrow to look at chicken wire, but my dad and hubby might have to help me (I get moaned at for trying to do stuff at 7 months pregnant lol). Unfortunately the shed doesn't have electricity, so I can't put a fan...
  11. J

    How to cool down the shed?

    My rabbits live in a shed: http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc20/jolr04/shed.jpg I went down to let them out and it's very warm in there. So in the summer it will get even warmer. Any suggestions on cooling it down? Thanks
  12. J

    Pet sitters?

    I was wondering if anyone knows / can recommend someone that can come and feed my rabbits when I am away. I live in Kings Langley. About 10 mins from Watford. I used to ask a lady called Lucy, when I was in Richmond (some of you know her) but I moved before Christmas! The rabbits are still...
  13. J

    Found a rabbit

    I know, it is harsh! The man that works at the golf course has said he will give it a home, so the rabbit will have a home if it's owner isn't found. Hubby says it's tame, he was giving it a cuddle earlier! He thinks it was a house rabbit because it was moulting (he is basing that on the...
  14. J

    Found a rabbit

    Hi everyone, I can't seem to post in rabbits in need, so hope in here is ok. My husband's friend found a rabbit on the 17th hole of Elstree golf club today. From his description it's a ginger and white lop eared. No pictures I'm afraid - he can't take them on his phone. I just thought I...
  15. J

    Are there any woods poisonous to rabbits?

    aw thanks! I will have a look on google too :)
  16. J

    Are there any woods poisonous to rabbits?

    Hi everyone. Still doing the shed (hubby has been ill so it's been delayed!). Tomorrow I will be putting the trim around the edge of the laminate floor. I haven't bought it yet. But I wanted to check, are there any types of wood that are dangerous to rabbits? The ones I am looking at are -...
  17. J

    Which locks for a shed?

    Good point!
  18. J

    Which locks for a shed?

    Thanks for your replies. I will look into all of those ideas. I'm not worried about people getting in. We back onto a railway so no-one can get in there. The side gate is padlocked, and we live in a cul-de-sac so it's not easy access in or out. Combination locks sound good incase I lose the...
  19. J

    Which locks for a shed?

    I have nearly finished doing the shed - damp proof sheet, underlay, laminate (will put carpet remnants / rug on top so the rabbits can grip!). Have insulated the sides. Just waiting to do the finishing touches, but I need to put better lock on the door so foxes can't get in. It has a lock...
  20. J

    Can anyone recommend a vet please? Watford

    Thank you! I managed to get lost (wrong way down the A41 yesterday!) so I think I will have to drive around and get used to the area! thanks everyone x