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Search results

  1. vikkia1234

    Rabbit Growth

    How long does it take for a rabbit to meet his/ her maximum size?
  2. vikkia1234


    I have just bought Guinness a Puppy Pen as some temporary accomodation for him whilst i look after my mums house and dog this weekend, it is 25" high, do you think this will be high enough, i dont want him getting out! :shock:
  3. vikkia1234

    Why do people think . . .

    Why do people think rabbits are boring animals that dont do anything other than sleep and eat an pee anywhere! If i ever talk about my bun people give me this look like im some crazy women!
  4. vikkia1234

    Vets today

    Guinness is going to have his stiches out today so please give him some bunny love, and is also having his VHD! Will be so relived now he will be fully vaccinated! Hes so funny you would think that he would associate his carrier with his trips to the vets, but as soon as he sees it he jumps...
  5. vikkia1234

    Something handy to know. . .

    I was ploughing through websites trying to find those NIC Grid things from and i stumled accross this website which lists places in to UK that sell them. Its very helpful and it tells you what to write in on the site to search for them, i spent ages looking and was dead chuffed when i found...
  6. vikkia1234

    Does anybody know about this?

    I have just read on website that you should never feed green vegetables to rabbits younger than 6 months? Is this true?
  7. vikkia1234

    Can anyone suggest . . .

    Does anybody know of anywhere i can by cable protectors online for bunny proofing?
  8. vikkia1234

    Do your buns . . .

    Do your buns get upset if you move them? We moved Guinness hutch litterally from one end of the room to the other, and he was acting strange all evening, he kept lunging at me when i went near him (which he never does) and spent the whole evening cured up in his hutch! I hope it was me moving...
  9. vikkia1234

    Where can i buy . . .

    Where can i buy those NIC Grid things from?
  10. vikkia1234

    Please wish him luck, im so worried :-(

    Guinness is having is castration today, im so so worried about him i feel so guilty. He was so happy running around binkying this morning and now he gonna hate me :cry::cry:
  11. vikkia1234

    What is the difference between straw and hay?

    I have been given a load of straw from a relative for guinness, What is the difference between feeding rabbits straw or hay?
  12. vikkia1234


    Hello- happy new year! Just wanted to know if anyones elses rabbit sneezes very often? Guinness has started sneezing and honking really bad, i have checked his eyes and nose and there are no signs of any discharge but im still a bit worried, it does not sound good at all.
  13. vikkia1234

    Diet Query - and other advice needed, thanks

    Hi there The vet told me to put Guinness on a diet as they thought he was over weight ( he was 3.3kg at 4 months) So i have and he has noticeably lost weight, i dont have scales but i can see he is more porportioned. The thing i was worried about is that i found this internet site the other...
  14. vikkia1234

    Catsan litter

    I bought some Catsan chalk based litter for Guinness' litter tray, does anyone know if this is safe for rabbits, i read some old threads and some people said it is and some said it isn't? Its a non clumping litter.
  15. vikkia1234

    Can you feed rabbits parsnip?

    i have load of parsnip skins with Guinness name all over them, just wanted to check that it was ok before giving them to him! :D
  16. vikkia1234

    Random question . . .

    I know this seems like a silly question but what is a normal amount that rabbits should poop? When i used to greet guinness in the mornings his hutch used to be full of pellets, now in the mornings there is practically nothing and he only poo's really in his litter box but no where near the...
  17. vikkia1234

    From hutch to Home help please

    Guinness is a house rabbit, his hutch is in the living room which he has the run of when we are home. He is starting to outgrow his hutch and i am worried about whether he will be ok when we finally get rid of his hutch and have him out permanently, his hutch is his security net and I don't...
  18. vikkia1234

    Help before he gets worse! x

    Hiya Girls and guys! Guinness has majoirly started chewing the carpet, i dont mind him chewing my furniture but he loves tearing the carpet up! I need to put this to a stop before it starts getting noticeable and my landlord finds out! ( not even supposed to have pets! :roll: What can i do...
  19. vikkia1234

    Hello Everyone!

    Hiya Everyone! Im Vikki (23) i joined the forum yesterday, I got my French Lop Guinness about a month ago! He is my second bunny i have owned, I had my first rabbit when i was very young age so dont remember much about her :( I joined the forum because it will be good to be able to speak to...
  20. vikkia1234

    Proud of Guinness!

    Guinness came to his name last night 3 times when i called him, i was so chuffed with him! Why did i not know that bunnies were so intellegent before! :love: