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Search results

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    Liquorice- 16/10/14

    Binky free Liquorice
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    Billy - 19/02/06 - 22/10/14

    Billy went to Rainbow Bridge this evening to join his brother, Gizmo, and little Domino. He had coped so well with the paralysis in his back leg and even though he was also blind, he still loved life and enjoyed roaming around the garden and eating as much as he possibly could! Unfortunately...
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    Anipse; My Beauiful Giant

    Sorry for your loss
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    What's your favourite photo of your bun(s)?

    :wave: Here are my fav photos Domino - R.I.P, little man Billy & Gizmo Billy & Gizzy, again My pretty Cookie-Doe (Sorry some of the pics are a bit large)
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    my little Yuki

    Sorry for your loss :cry:
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    Tomee <3 [And forum thank you!]

    So sorry for your loss:cry:
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    Myxomatosis Outbreaks 2012/13/14

    Thank you. I think it was down to his immune system not being strong enough. He was such a nervous rabbit, always had tummy problems. Even just being picked up/handled stressed him out. He had his front teeth removed in September and I don't think he had got over that enough by the time he...
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    Hello, welcome. Martin looks gorgeous :love::love:
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    Domino - night night littlest man

    We had to have Domino put to sleep this morning. He was losing his battle against myxi and the vet felt it was the kindest thing to do. To Domino - We got you about 5 years ago when the breeder had advertised you on the free ads, as a bunny with deformed feet. We did the four hour round trip...
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    Myxomatosis Outbreaks 2012/13/14

    Domino lost his fight against myxi today. We had to have him pts this morning. Im still in shock, was expecting him to pull through.:cry:
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    Myxi - How long will the infection last?

    Thanks everyone for the vibes and kind words. Its so sad to hear that so many bunnies have been affected. It seems a bit daunting that they could be ill for as much as 5 to 6 weeks. This would mean Domino is in the early stages and still has a long way to go:cry: Wishing all the sick bunnies...
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    Myxi - How long will the infection last?

    as the title says really.... Domino was diagnosed with Myxi last Tuesday. (He has been vaccinated). He has some lumps around his eyes and his face/nose and genitals are swollen. He is eating really well though, so it hasn't affected his appetite but he is quite quiet in other ways, he doesn't...
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    Whats your bunnies favourite biscuit??

    Rich tea finger biscuits
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    Extraction of front teeth

    Oh, and I paid £150 including one nights hospitalisation and meds
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    Extraction of front teeth

    Hi Domino had his front teeth removed last month,top and bottom. It wasnt something I was expecting the vet to suggest and I was almost in shock for about 24 hours afterwards!! However, Domino has coped with it really well. I was really pleased at the recovery he made and now quickly he went...
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    Myxomatosis Outbreaks 2012/13/14

    Domino has been confirmed by the vet as having myxi. We are in Braintree in Essex, north of Chelmsford. All my rabbits have been vaccinated, so hoping for a positive outcome.
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    Incisor removal - I'm a bit upset right now

    Thanks for the replies everyone. Hele - I have been using this vet practice since Ive had rabbits, so for nearly 7 years. I did go to another vets practice for short period because their vaccinations were cheaper but stopped using them because I felt I had been given poor advice on a tooth...
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    Incisor removal - I'm a bit upset right now

    Hi. I had to take Domino to the vet this morning as I noticed yesterday his front teeth were quite badly overgrown and although he was still eating, he was having trouble picking up his food. I was expecting for his teeth to be burred. The vet said to me I had two options, which was to have the...
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    Free Ranging bunnies

    Hi Chopster I have a rabbit that free-ranges during the day. Billy is six years old and has always been free-range. He has a shed where he sleeps at night and has access to it at all times during the day. You are right, free-ranging is a contentious subject and the fact he free ranges (yes...
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    A question for Rescues
