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  1. Gem81


    My two have cucumber nearly every day, they love it and have no probs :)
  2. Gem81

    Many bunnies and pigs in desperate need(Newcastle) *update 30/08 guineas to rehome*

    I've just read this too, give me a shout as well Vicky if you need a hand with anything
  3. Gem81

    help its earwigs i think

    I posted about earwigs a few weeks ago. I've been noticing more and more of the recently. They like hiding in dark areas, the ones here are mostly in the corners of the top of the run, where the removable end is, which mean most of them drop out when I take it off :shock: it's making me itch...
  4. Gem81


    Ahh man, I'm never going camping again! Thanks for your reply though! :)
  5. Gem81


    Eugh, horrible little creepy crawly earwigs, could they harm the bunnies in anyway? Are they likely to cause anything similar to fly strike? For the past few days I've noticed few lurking behind the removable part of the run, when I take it off to let the buns in the garden. Then when I've...
  6. Gem81

    can rabbits use cat flaps?

    My two use a catflap with no problems, only took them a few minutes to figure it out. It's so funny watching them when they have supervised time in the garden, they do a lap round the garden which includes flying into the run, through the catflap and out through the playhouse!
  7. Gem81

    Worms?/vaginal discharge??????

    Thank you :)
  8. Gem81

    Worms?/vaginal discharge??????

    I think one of my buns may have the same thing. What did the vet do? Did they confirm it?
  9. Gem81

    Tomato seeds

    Mine also scoff the lot!
  10. Gem81

    Outdoor Rabbit Run

    I was worried about the removable panels, I changed those latches to bolts! They're very flimsy! Think my buns are gonna chew out of it soon anyway!!
  11. Gem81

    Outdoor Rabbit Run

    How did they manage that? It seems pretty secure and is quite heavy with two together :)
  12. Gem81

    Outdoor Rabbit Run

    The Fennel Fold from P@H is good, but is too small on it's own. I have two together so it's about 6/7ft long. I think it was £54.99 for one. It's a good height.
  13. Gem81

    Carmel & Weetabix enjoying the sun!

    I don't know if Weets has grown more, I can't really tell, possibly! You can tell she's a madam can't you?! Her fur looks a bit of a mess at the back coz I can only groom her for about 30 seconds at a time! :D
  14. Gem81

    Cute Easter Pics

    Awww :love:
  15. Gem81

    I just love a good close up ......

    Cute :) my two don't stay still long enough to get that close!
  16. Gem81

    What do you store your hay in?

    Mine's in a plastic bin with a lid in the garage.
  17. Gem81

    Carmel & Weetabix enjoying the sun!

    Lol, they're both medium sized rabbits, their feeding bowl is a dog bowl so they can both fit their heads in! :D
  18. Gem81

    Carmel & Weetabix enjoying the sun!

    Having breakfast... Carmel in there, feet first! Weets waiting for greedy guts to move! Sharing :) Ahhh this is the life!...
  19. Gem81

    Looks who's coming soon.........

    :love: :love: :love: gorgeous!
  20. Gem81

    For Kayjay (diet encouragement)

    Well done! You look fab :thumb: