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Search results

  1. Roarysbunmum

    Confused bunny?

    Hi all, Hoping for some ideas or helpful advice on a new behavioural change. Smudge is a free range house bun except for at night time, he is a chewer so I can’t trust him to be free range when unsupervised! At night he happily hops into a large dog training crate and this has been the...
  2. Roarysbunmum

    Neutering top tips?

    Quick update, as of yesterday evening you would never know he had surgery! He’s binkying and back flipping all over the place, trying to break out of his confined area and eating like there’s no tomorrow! I’m sure the daily Metacam is helping him feel better but he is back to his happy self...
  3. Roarysbunmum

    Neutering top tips?

    Day after surgery and he was stomping this morning. I’m guessing he was uncomfortable so gave him the Metacam as prescribed by the vet. He is eating although not as much as normal, pooping/peeing ok. He’s still resting lots, happy to have nose rubs but otherwise just snoozing on his padded bunny...
  4. Roarysbunmum

    Neutering top tips?

    Thanks bunny momma, the plan is that I will get him a bun friend but wanted to get him neutered first. Guess I’ll put that off for a little longer as we don’t want any accidental litters! Good to know about the hormone surge, not looking forward to that but at least I’ll know what’s going on!
  5. Roarysbunmum

    Neutering top tips?

    Smudge is home and resting, all went well and he seems ok - better than I expected! Thank you for all your good vibes :)
  6. Roarysbunmum

    Neutering top tips?

    Thanks reader of books, glad to hear your buns recovered quickly (they’re gorgeous btw)
  7. Roarysbunmum

    Neutering top tips?

    Thanks tonibun :)
  8. Roarysbunmum

    Neutering top tips?

    Many thanks bunny momma, this is really helpful. Smudge is a (mostly) free roaming house bunny so will be nice and warm. Fully stocked up with parsley and bunny favourites :)
  9. Roarysbunmum

    Neutering top tips?

    Thank you Petsmum :)
  10. Roarysbunmum

    Neutering top tips?

    Thanks Joey&Boo I’ve tried to think of everything so I’m prepared, hoping it will be plain sailing though!
  11. Roarysbunmum

    Neutering top tips?

    Hey all, Smudge is booked in to be neutered on Friday :( He has a fab bunny vet and I know it’s a fairly standard procedure, however mama Smudge is a bit worried already! Having not previously been through this with a fur baby, I would love to know your top tips - what to expect post op...
  12. Roarysbunmum

    New bun - needs a name!

    Thank you all, love the name suggestions. I’ve decided on Smudge due to the way his colouring smudges together. Day 3 in his new home and he’s become *very* confident, I think I’m going to have trouble on my hands with this one :lol:
  13. Roarysbunmum

    New bun - needs a name!

    Thanks Joey&Boo, I forgot what baby buns were like, so cute and inquisitive!
  14. Roarysbunmum

    New bun - needs a name!

    Aww thank you, he’s very cute indeed! Great names, I was thinking of Smudge or Chester but now adding Teddy to the list!
  15. Roarysbunmum

    New bun - needs a name!

    So the link doesn’t want to display in the message - new bun is now my avatar pic!
  16. Roarysbunmum

    New bun - needs a name!

    Hey all, I’m back! So 2 years after losing my boy I’ve just today adopted a new bun. Wasn’t sure if I would get another bun or not, but my friend had an accidental litter and I couldn’t resist. Hopefully the link below works (not sure how to add photos) but would love your thoughts on...
  17. Roarysbunmum

    For Anyone Missing SomeBun

    Thank you for this, I still miss my boy who passed a few months ago 💔
  18. Roarysbunmum

    New bun time?

    Aww I’m so happy for you! Really hope it’s the same for me too! Is that your baby in the photo? She’s gorgeous 😍
  19. Roarysbunmum

    New bun time?

    Hey all, it will be a rescue bun although the place I’m going to don’t have any bonded pairs at the moment. There are 2 brothers who are babies and another 9 month old boy. I would consider getting a second bun and trying to bond them but have no experience in this area so need to figure that...
  20. Roarysbunmum

    New bun time?

    Hey all, Some of you might remember I lost my boy back in June after he took ill suddenly. I’ve been missing having a furry face in the house so I'm going to look at potential newbies at the weekend! Starting all over again after having a bun for 9 years won’t be easy, I’m nervous but...