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Search results

  1. GabyEmilyB

    Last minute bunny boarding in Bournemouth/Southampton area???

    My parents want to go up to Newcastle to visit family over the new year period for a few days and there is no one I trust to look after George whilst I'm gone. I'm so desperate that I considered taking him with me but it's not really fair on him. Anyone know of boarders who have space during...
  2. GabyEmilyB

    George is now a thumper

    I was just sitting on the floor last night with a glass of wine, watching X factor when George starts getting a bit ancy.....no idea why! He had a sniff of my red wine, didn't like the smell and ran over the other side of the lounge and started thumping! He has never done this before so I was...
  3. GabyEmilyB

    George Houdini

    So I was back at my parents for the weekend and George was being looked after by auntie debbie who spoilt him with fenugreek crunchies the little fatty haha She called me on Saturday to say he escaped his pen and was roaming the whole house!(no chewed wires thank god!) as she was trying to round...
  4. GabyEmilyB

    My little lovely Oliver cat

    Need some support from RU today.... Came home for the weekend to see wicked with my mum. Oli lived with my parents as it wasn't fair to uproot him when I moved. Got back this morning to find a message from my local vets. He'd been hit by a car and someone had brought him in, unfortunately...
  5. GabyEmilyB

    Carpet turning rabbit paws green?

    Just noticed that the bottom of George's paws are green!hes not been on grass but I have a new rug that is green! That's the only conclusion I can draw.....should I be worried? It's the only rug I've bought that he prefers to the laminate. after his accident skidding on the laminate I'm anxious...
  6. GabyEmilyB

    Hay mites

    I think I've got them :( my tummy is covered in red spots (which I first thought was shingles) and they are very itchy. I thought it was shingles but I'm not in pain. Any suggestions on how to get rid of them/ prevent them? They don't seem to bother George...he's not scratching :s
  7. GabyEmilyB

    Changing from junior pellets to adult pellets

    So George has hit the 16 week mark which I've read around and seen to be the age he should be moving to adult pellets. I'm a bit miffed because I've still got half a bag of the junior ones that will just go to waste...but oh well! He's on daily loxicom at the moment for his shifted ligament so I...
  8. GabyEmilyB


    About my viovet order being delivered tomorrow!only ordered it yesterday and it's being delivered to school (where I work) tomorrow! I went all out and spent over £30 and got my free delivery lol never used them before either....is it sad that I'm excited?lol Will post pics of George thinking...
  9. GabyEmilyB

    What do you pack for a day at the vets?

    So George is in the vets tomorrow for an x ray and I've never had to pack him off somewhere before so I think I'm over thinking it a bit lol The vet said pack some food for him, so I've backed a medium sized sandwich bag full of a mix of hay, a few fenugreeks incase he needs talking into...
  10. GabyEmilyB

    Im on house arrest and I'm NOT happy!

    My poor little lovely has been ordered to rest his poorly foot by the vet but he is not best pleased. He'd rather hop around on 3 legs than rest all of them! He has never been confined to just his cage. He usually goes in it on his own terms, so having no choice on the matter is not going down...
  11. GabyEmilyB

    Frantic!vibes for George's bad leg :'(

    I'm absolutely beside myself with worry and panic :( George was running about and has bashed into the table leg.... He's now holding his back leg slightly. He's putting weight on it when he's stationary but holding when he moved. He's happy for me to touch up to the toe, so I'm pretty sure it's...
  12. GabyEmilyB

    When you have no internet you take lots of pictures

    Not getting internet till Monday and have had to cope for 2 week!you don't realise how much you use it until it's not there haha Taken so many pictures and videos of my bunny George which is nice :)
  13. GabyEmilyB

    Confused bunny.....

    Who thinks he's a cat! He's discovered how to get on the windowsill, which means my basil plant isn't safe haha He's taken to lying there and watching people and cars go past. I'm going to get some funny looks from passers by. Who would expect to see a rabbit in the window of a house?!haha
  14. GabyEmilyB


    My little darling has been scratching the back of his neck the last 2 days. I flea treated him but today a bald patch has appeared and there is a very slight scratch. It looks like it's itchy and he's itched a little too hard bless him. He's absolutely fine in himself and he's eating, pooing...
  15. GabyEmilyB

    Rabbit boarding in Norfolk

    Hey going away for a weekend in October and looking for a good boarder in Norfolk! Googled it and not many are South Norfolk that are easily accessible and have good facilities. Going to see one next week but I'm not 100% sold from the pictures.... Anyone in the area or no anyone to recommend I...
  16. GabyEmilyB

    Information leaflet I found in pets corner - photos for you to have a look

    Was picking up some locusts for my bearded dragon in pets corner and found this leaflet!never seen it before so it must be new! Thought you guys might like to have a look at it. (sorry it's so big, tried to make it readable lol)
  17. GabyEmilyB

    Has anyone used advantage flea treatment on their rabbit?

    Found 1 flea on George the other day which panicked me so I asked the vet what I could do and they suggested advantage. We have cats and George loves sniffing and nuzzling the cats so it's impossible to stop him coming into contact with fleas. The cats are done regularly but we never seem to...
  18. GabyEmilyB

    Travelling advice

    So next week I am moving into a new place with lots of indoor room and a big back garden for George and me to live in. The thing is I'm from Dorset and my new job (where we are moving) is in Norfolk. It's not ideal and if it wasn't absolutely necessary, I wouldn't travel....but unfortunately...
  19. GabyEmilyB

    I am building George a run!

    I am popping my DIY cherry today and building my boy a run so he can enjoy what's left of the sun! I've never built anything before so my dad is helping lol I feel cheated buying one from pets at home and refuse to line their pockets when they make it for £20 and sell them for £80.....and...
  20. GabyEmilyB

    Plan H.....George can now jump over the puppy panels!!!

    I am unable to sleep at night because George has worked out how to get over the puppy panels and onto my bed..... I've tried blocking holes, securing panels so they can't be moved, and moving anything he could use to spring off and now he just climbs the damn metal!!!! I don't want to have to...