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Search results

  1. J

    I've saved a family of rabbits from certain death and not sure what to do next!

    Thanks for reply! No that is what they were on when I got them. They are on hay now!
  2. J

    I've saved a family of rabbits from certain death and not sure what to do next!

    Hi everyone! I've been on this forum for a long time but never really posted as havent needed to. I myself have one male indoor rabbit, panda, who is soon to be 7. Anyway! I have paid £10 to rescue a mummy, daddy and 6 baby rabbits - it's a long and distressing story so I'm not going to go...
  3. J

    Hello - I'm new!

    Yes it is panda in my avatar! Does anyone know what sort of bunny he is? Am new to rabbit keeping but ave had hamsters for years so guessing he's some kind of dominant spot but don't know!
  4. J

    Hello - I'm new!

    how do i post a piccy of panda?
  5. J

    Hello - I'm new!

    Hi, I'm new to rabbits united! Just wanted to say hi from me and my rescue bunny panda! Also I'm trying to find some rabbit insurance any ideas where to start or reccomendations? X