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Search results

  1. L

    Giant bunny with wobbly legs :(

    Hi Susan, So glad to here Max is doing well. Unfortunatley We lost Godzilla almost two weeks ago now. I didnt want to post because i was too upset. I think he had a stroke and became paralysed so it was different form your bunny. He ment the world to me. I massaged his bowels to help him go the...
  2. L

    Help Please bunny not eating, lethargig, stomach hardening

    I am so worried about my female lionlop. I have booked her in at the vets as soon as my mum gets back from work as it is 40mins away and i do not drive. In the meantime she hasnt eaten anything last night or this morning, ive literally tried everything all her favourites and she shows no...
  3. L

    Bald bunny and Irritated pigs :(

  4. L

    Mini lion lop babies- weaning?

    Hi everyone, you might have seen my previous post about my neutered buck escaping and getting his wife to be pregnant resulting in a litter (he was not safe as had only been neutered a few weeks). All babies are now almost three months old. I rehomed two girls as a pair to a very nice couple who...
  5. L

    Lion lop babies introductions... any ideas for names?

    I am reposting the introductions from the middle of the old thread because they were hard to find. So here they are again... I have taken more pics of the babies for the people who pmd me wanting to know a bit more. They are 8 weeks old tomorrow. Four girls, one boy. I have used their nicknames...
  6. L

    Surprise Baby lion lops (UPDATED lots more pics)

    Hi before you read this I would just like to say, I have owned rabbits for 25 years and have never had a litter. I do not agree with breeding rabbits as I am aware how many are unwanted and in rescues. I currently own 9 rabbits, most are rescued (and now 5 babies) and look after them all really...
  7. L

    Help Please

    One of the RU members kindly informed me that my rabbits GI have slowed down due to stress of being bonded. She has been in the bonding pen for 8hours and barely eaten or drank until in the last ten mins when she has eaten curly Kale and apple. Her droppings are really tiny, I'd say you could...
  8. L

    ABNORMAL Droppings

    I'm in the process of bonding a single female with neuterd pair and have just noticed she is doing tiny almost reddish brown droppings. They are usually dark brown/black and a lot bigger. Does anyone know what might be causing this? She hasn't eaten/drunk much today?
  9. L

    URGENT Bonding help please

    Hi I am trying to bond a neutered pair: ringo (male lionhead 1yr) and baby (female mini lop 1yr) with saffie (smaller female mini lion lop 7mnths). 'Baby' who I think I now ought to rename is being horrendously mean to little saffie who runs away terrified and breathing loudly and has shown no...
  10. L

    Rabit Savvy Vet in Leics?

    Hi can anyone recommend a good vet for buns in Leics as I want to take my little one to get her checked today thanks
  11. L

    so angry!!!!!

    Just found out my cousins Netherland dwarf was attacked by a cat tuesday evening. He was apparently fitting when they put him back in his hutch and the next day then died. This is the second rabbit they have had that this happened to. The rabbits friend, another netherland dwarf died a month ago...
  12. L


    Anyone used this or recommend anything similar. Its for fleas mites and worms? thanks loads, Louise
  13. L

    Help whats this?

    Ive just taken on an unwanted bun of about six months old. She has apparently been kept on her own for about ten weeks since the woman bought her but since bringing her home i found a considerably sized lump/scabby wound which almost looks quite dandruffy. Im not sure if its a bite or something...
  14. L

    Invisible bunny

    Its been months now but i still miss my baby Barney. he will always have a special place in my heart. Heres a beautiful poem for all the bridge bunnies x Invisible Bunny Wake up Mum, wake up quick! I have to stop your nightmares or you'll get sick. I'm still here Mum I've not gone Instead...
  15. L

    How often do your buns get jiggy?

    A bit of a random question but I hae ten rabbits in neutered pairs... my mini lop female always wants it off my lionhead male and he is never ever interested (they are both almost a year old).. My other rabbits neer seem to do it except Jack a magpie (slightly chubby boy) who is six and often...
  16. L

    My beautiful bunnies..

    Hi i just wondered if anyone could help me with some advice how to post pics? do they have to be on the internet already? thanks xx
  17. L

    a bit worried...

    My rabbit has been sprayed/neutered today and she seems ok but really lethargic. She has not eaten any hay or pellets and I only managed to tempt her with two rabbit treats (tiny drops) and one small piece of curly kale. She is normally a right fatty. Ive got her inside all snug in a large...
  18. L

    Panacur? to worm or not to worm

    I have had rabbits all my life and have never previously wormed except once about six months ago I saw worms in one of my rabbits 'Bonnie' who is eleven years olds, droppings. I wormed him and his hutchmate for 28 days with Panacur which they hated but got used to and they seemed to put on...
  19. L

    5 hours down.. how many to go?

    I am in the process of bonding my rescued un-neutered Conti boy (6,5kg)with a nervous/previously aggressive spayed female (3.5kg). We had her spayed when she came to us as we were told she was extremely aggressive and known as the 'black bast**d' :shock:They are 4 and 5 years old and have lived...
  20. L

    To bond or not to bond? HELP please x

    Hi everyone, I have a rescued continental giant (Godzilla) who is 4 and un neutered. The vet said he would not risk operating on him to neuter as 4 is considered a good age for a giant although he is only half the size he should be and acts like a young bunny. Rabbit 2: Flossie- large mixed...