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Search results

  1. B

    Is it possible to bond two unneutered males?

    My 2 brothers are unneutered as yet but they are only 12 weeks old. So far, they are getting along fine!! But I am now slightly concerned having read the comments on here. :(
  2. B

    Litter Training

    Great, thank you, we'll try that!!!!!
  3. B

    Litter Training

    Hi, as many of you know, we have 2 male Dwarf Lops, 12 weeks old, we have always had a litter tray in the corner of the hutch which they use to wee in but how do you train them to also poo in it? Is this possible?? I should imagine it is as a lot of users on here seem to have house rabbits...
  4. B

    Do rabbits eat cauliflower leaves?

    Fab, thanks, very useful!!!!! xx
  5. B

    rabbit just gave birth to dead baby now dont know what to do plz help

    I have to say, I'm with sdf76 on that one, again, no offence to anyone!! I've just read it all, it's not always easy to drag young kids out of bed either. Hopefully Princess is ok!!! Good luck!!!! xx
  6. B

    Myxomatosis Outbreaks 2010/2011

    The vet in P@H Bridgend informed me they had 6 Bunnies PTS last week. :cry: But my vets (also in Bridgend) hasnt had any for a while!!:?
  7. B

    Rainbow Rabbit Hooded Sweatshirts and pyjamas!!

    Hi, small on the front and large on the back please. How do I pay you? My paypal account has locked me out!! I can probably open another though I should think! xx
  8. B

    Rainbow Rabbit Hooded Sweatshirts and pyjamas!!

    Thank you, is it possible to order a 2XL Heather Grey? xx
  9. B

    Rainbow Rabbit Hooded Sweatshirts and pyjamas!!

    Hello, can I ask what is the largest size you do in the zip up hoodies please?? They look fab!!! xx
  10. B

    Shed Ideas please.

    Thats great, thank you!!!!!
  11. B

    Peter and Benjamin

    Aww, my babies!! Not forgetting my other baby Tazzie at the bottom though, or he will get awfully jealous!!!! xx
  12. B

    PAH Novelty Hutches

    I have to say that our local P@H stores are very good, we have a few around here within a 15 mile radius, my only issue was with one member of staff that sold us a fish way too big for our tank, but when buying our buns from 2 different stores we had very good advice. We bought the hutch and...
  13. B

    Help! I need some advice......

    Hello :wave: I hope your does have safe pregnancies and everything works out for you, I'm new to having bunnies and finding that stressful enough, without pregnant bunnies!!!! Good luck!!
  14. B

    Rabbits needing neutering.

    Hiya, we have a hutch in a shed that we are about to give up to the bunnies completely, we have had some fab ideas off this forum and another one (golden bunnies). We are going to open up the hutch and allow them to have full use of the shed with toys and a bed with hay in it but keep their...
  15. B

    Rabbits needing neutering.

    Hello, as some of you know I have two brothers, 10 week old dwarf lops and they will need neutering, they are currently living together, I have read on RU that rabbits need to be kept apart for hormones to settle after neutering, will mine need to be kept apart as they have been together since...
  16. B


    Hello :wave: I'm also new to this site and have learnt a lot from the good advice I have been given!! I'm also new to owning bunnies and am so worried about getting it wrong, I had one as a child and she became wild and was very concerned this would happen again, I also have the added worry...
  17. B

    Shed Ideas please.

    Yes they are living together, they were in pets at home too. They are only 10 weeks old so we can't have them neutered yet. Do we still need to keep them separate after having them neutered if they live together now? There is more work involved in having bunnies than having a dog!! Taz...
  18. B

    Shed Ideas please.

    With your shed w1lll, have you covered the floor with lino or anything to prevent rats and the floor rotting? We are certainly going to look into doing something like that!!! It is soooooo fab looking!! It's too early to neuter them yet they are only 10 weeks old. When is the best time to...
  19. B

    Finally the Shed is finished! (Pic Heavy!)

    The shed is definitely fab, do you want to build our bunnies one too??? Ha ha xxx
  20. B

    Shed Ideas please.

    They have something similar in pets at home, I'll look into that. Thanks for the ideas!! It's fab!! Bonding is probably the wrong word to use, our bunnies are brothers, I meant us bonding with them and gaining their trust. Sorry. xx