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Search results

  1. Goldiebunny

    Help! Toilet habits!

    I posted earlier about Flynn having come home for the first time yesterday after bonding with Fudge. Fudge obviously still goes to the toilet where she used to and where the toilet trays are but Flynn is going elsewhere and in a very inconvenient place! How do I get him to go in the same...
  2. Goldiebunny

    New bunny scrabbling! Is it normal?

    Hi everyone, Some of you may remember me from a few weeks back when my bunny Scampi had to be put to sleep. I decided to get Fudge a new bunny buddie and the RSPCA had a bunny that had come in who had been beaten up by his brother and had open wounds which were healing well. He was dumped on...
  3. Goldiebunny

    Scampi Pictures

    I have now managed to work out how to put photos on and thought I would follow up from my post earlier about Scampi with some photos for you all to see. You and your buddy Fudge. Playing ball. You were so lovely. Rest in peace beautiful boy xx
  4. Goldiebunny


    My Scampi Pants as I always used to call you. I had to make such a difficult decision to have you put to sleep yesterday as you had gotten ill again for the third time in less than a year. Your guts had stopped working again and you were so poorly. I couldn't let you go through the...
  5. Goldiebunny

    Loss of my bunny

    I am not sure if this post should be in this topic but didn't know where else to post it. I have two bunnies, Scampi and Fudge, and had to take the extremely difficult decision yesterday to have Scampi put to sleep as he has had ongoing intestinal problems and I feel that he was suffering too...
  6. Goldiebunny

    Do you think Scampi is ok??

    I have had a very poorly bunny over the last week and I wondered if anyone had any advice for me. He had gut statis and was in the vets for two nights and they allowed him to go home last Weds. We had two types of medication for him which we syringe fed Weds night but by Thursday morning he...
  7. Goldiebunny

    Why do they wee and poo everhwere!

    Help! I have got two bunnies, one male, one female, both of which are neutered. I got the male first and he was weeing in one particular place - fine. Then he was bonded with the female and now they sometimes use their toilet tray but have stated weeing and pooing in the living area of the...