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Could Sophie get some vibes? Another dental

Sophie stopped eating and was in pain Sunday evening, so we took her to the emergency vet. She felt a bit better after that, but yesterday afternoon she got worse again, so we went to our regular vet, and both he and the emergency vet think Sophie might have an infection where her teeth were removed. So, she's on antibiotics now. She's eating a bit on her own, mostly greens and softened pellets, and some dried forage. She's doing a little better today, so hopefully that means the antibiotics are starting to work. The vet said they would work pretty quickly. Poor Sophie's been having so much trouble with her teeth lately, I feel bad for her.
So sorry to read about Sophie losing 3 molars at once. Hopefully having them out will feel easier once she has got rid of her infection. Teeth can be so painful bless her.

Sending her vibes and nose bumps from Mr and Mrs Chief and hope she feels more like herself very soon. It does seem like she is feeling much better already x
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So sorry to read about Sophie losing 3 molars at once. Hopefully having them out will feel easier once she has got rid of her infection. Teeth can be so painful bless her.

Sending her vibes and nose bumps from Mr and Mrs Chief and hope she feels more like herself very soon. It does seem like she is feeling much better already x
So sorry. I have posted by accident and can't delete it. Could somebun please remove it if possible. Keeps your thread tidy 😉 x
Sending tons of vibes for Sophie. I hope she continues to improve with the abx and she will be eating again soon. I wonder if the infection is the reason the third tooth became so loose.
She has excellent care from you, Casper, and your mom. Sending you gentle hugs too.
So sorry to read about Sophie losing 3 molars at once. Hopefully having them out will feel easier once she has got rid of her infection. Teeth can be so painful bless her.

Sending her vibes and nose bumps from Mr and Mrs Chief and hope she feels more like herself very soon. It does seem like she is feeling much better already x
Thank you and the bunnies so much for the vibes and nose bumps. Those teeth were really bothering her, so I hope once the infection has gone away she'll feel better without them, too.

I'm sorry I haven't replied yet to what you said in Mischief's thread. I've been quite exhausted. I hope Lillabelle's spay will go well tomorrow and she'll have an easy recovery. I'm sending her lots of vibes. ❤️

Sending tons of vibes for Sophie. I hope she continues to improve with the abx and she will be eating again soon. I wonder if the infection is the reason the third tooth became so loose.
She has excellent care from you, Casper, and your mom. Sending you gentle hugs too.
Aw, thank you for the vibes and the hugs. And that's so kind of you to say, too. I've wondered the same thing as you. On the x-rays last week there was this small grey area where the first and third tooth were, and the vet said it looked like there was some inflammation there, but I don't know if it was maybe infected already or if the wound only became infected after the teeth were out.

I'm sending lots of vibes for Sophie ☹️☹️🩷🩷🩷
Thank you for the vibes, KCG.