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Recent content by Sugarbunny

  1. Sugarbunny

    Julie is nuts. Please share your bunny's odd behavior.

    Too many to mention...:lol: Barley often turns his food bowl over to check through for things he likes, he also likes to 'attack' the wire of his hutch/scrabble at the door for attention, especially when we are fussing the other 2 buns! He can also put his food bowl in the top of his water bowl...
  2. Sugarbunny

    Available Rescue: Walsall RSPCA - Buzz - Dwarf Lop

    He looks amazing!!!:love:
  3. Sugarbunny

    My mini lops

    Tango looks just like my Pippin (when she was a bit younger!:lol:)
  4. Sugarbunny

    The baby boys - picture heavy

    What cuties!:love:
  5. Sugarbunny

    My 'Silent Tears Animal Rescue' header and pledge

    This brings tears to my eyes, I don't think I'd be able to look at the website without really getting upset...
  6. Sugarbunny

    Lovely legs

    My Barley does this too - and with his ears sticking out a right angles to his body, he looks like an aeroplane!:lol:
  7. Sugarbunny

    RU Meet Gracie, the beautiful, gentle giant

    Your bunnies are absolutely gorgeous! Gracie's ears are huuuuge!
  8. Sugarbunny

    Our Merry has gone to the bridge...

  9. Sugarbunny

    Rehomed: Russell and Howard - 9 month old blue lops SURREY

    No,it's not just you! They are absolutely gorgeous! :love: Wish I had the room...
  10. Sugarbunny

    Rehomed: Loulou lovely lady lop

    How could someone not want her - she looks lovely!:love:
  11. Sugarbunny

    Available Rescue: Lady and Duke - baby REWs

    What a pair of sweeties!:love:
  12. Sugarbunny

    Rehomed: Blue Boo and Spud

    Wow, they are gorgeous!! Hope they all get a home together soon!:)
  13. Sugarbunny

    The Dandelion is always greener on the other side

    Mine all go mad for dandelions!!!!:lol:
  14. Sugarbunny

    Matted Angora bun.. before and after U/D P/137 NOW.. IN LOVE. Please vote for him

    Just seen this thread, the pics and story made me cry. God bless you for rescuing this little bun, and sending love and hugs to him.:wave:
  15. Sugarbunny

    vibes please for locksley (he's gone :-( )

    So sorry for your loss:cry: Locksley was a very handsome boy... rest in peace boy...