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Recent content by Pangolin

  1. P

    Pets at Home Easter Bunny Offer... LET'S KEEP THE PRESSURE ON!

    That is just unbelievably depressing :cry: It's just sickening that they're preying on people's ignorance in order to make more money :evil:
  2. P

    What does lack of space DO to a bun?

    Repetitive behaviour is something that often springs up in animals that are confined in inappropriately sized housing. When I brought home our bun she'd been kept in a very small hutch and even when she was free range with a giant hutch to come and go from she would sit and obsessively yank at...
  3. P

    Skin contact of the Myxi Vac - any adverse effect? U/D Response from Vet

    Good grief, I'd be absolutely livid at that response :evil: Definitely time to start looking for a new vet. If you do start going somewhere else make sure you let the practice know why you won't be using them anymore.
  4. P

    Available Rescue: Esme - Female Rex - Walsall RSPCA *New photos - post 18!*

    Oh she is just beautiful :love::love::love: I adore rexies, if only I was in a position to be looking for a bun I'd bite your hand off for her!!!!
  5. P

    Advice for someone I work with.

    If she needs to carry the bun between her hutch and run I'd probably suggest she tries and gets the bun to willingly go into the carrier itself. I'm sure something super tasty would be enough to entice the bun into the carrier of it's own accord and if it gets a reward each time it goes in I...
  6. P

    Advice for someone I work with.

    I'd probably suggest to her that she starts taking things quite slowly and focus on getting the bun used to people rather than trying to get it to accept being picked up straight off the bat. She needs to teach it that people = nice things. If she can avoid handling it or doing anything that'll...
  7. P

    cotton towels

    I'd be very wary of allowing him access to something like that if he's actually eating it. I would think both lumps of material and threads could cause issues if ingested.
  8. P

    Lindt bunny advert

    That would indeed be fantastic. It'd help me feel less guilty about scoffing Lindt bunnies :lol:
  9. P

    im going to get an rabbit

    Absolutely agree with that, it was lovely when OH and I got our first dog together :love: Thankfully he's as nuts as I am and is quite keen on bunnies too:D
  10. P

    im going to get an rabbit

    There's already been some great advice from people on this thread but I thought I'd say a little about considering a rabbit's lifespan. You're reaching a point in your life when things are going to start getting really busy and a lot of things may well change, including things you might not...
  11. P

    Hello There!!!

    :wave: I've been lurking about on here on and off for years so I thought it was finally time to get stuck in and introduce myself!!! My husband and I (and our two rescue dogs) are currently living abroad for his work but I'm moving home with the dogs to Yorkshire in a few weeks and he's...