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Available Rescue: Esme - Female Rex - Walsall RSPCA *New photos - post 18!*

Oh my, she is so so stunning, how is she around other bunnys? would she need to be kept separate?

Is she a house or garden bunny? if she is a house bunny, how is she with people walking by her and kids?

You said in one of your posts she was ok as long as there was no food about, does that mean she goes for you if you go near her food?


Hiya. Esme is looking to be rehomed with a neutered male for company. She currently lives outdoors, but would adapt well to living indoors as i know Vicky brings her in for a run round inside and shes well behaved :) Shes fine with people around her, when i was there she kept coming across and sniffing my shoes, but she was a bit weary as i was a new person. She did let me stroke her though :)

Its best to PM Vicky (x-vic-x) for info on Esme :) Or to call the number on the first post :) xXx
Oh she is just beautiful :love::love::love:

I adore rexies, if only I was in a position to be looking for a bun I'd bite your hand off for her!!!!
I dont know how shes still with us :( Shes so pretty :love:

Hopefully this little girl with find her forever home soon :love: xXx
Esme is still here, she is so friendly now and will come running over to you. She is a sweetheart, as long as you don't what a cuddly bun she would be perfect.




She is divine, a perfect Rex princess but I don't think she would like a long haul flight! :love::love::love: