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Recent content by Angel

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    The Late Lord Lopsley-26th Sept- Christabel Contacting FHB

    So sorry to hear about your loss.
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    My little lad Charlie, UPDATE back from the vets

    Glad Poopys ok. Hope all goes well with Charlie today. Give him a big hug from me, Sooty and Stew.
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    My little lad Charlie, UPDATE back from the vets

    Ooo, poor Charlie. I hope it works for you too Kay, I know how much you love him and who can blame you, he's lovely. :love:
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    Bunny boarding on Bolton/manchester area?

    Well I'd like to thank Kay for the very warm welcome, I really enjoyed coming down to visit! My bunnies are really looking forward to coming on their hols now I've told them all about it, even though I did consider sending them to Egypt so I could come and stay instead! :lol: I'd also like to...
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    Bunny boarding on Bolton/manchester area?

    I'm worried now that they might not want to come home when I get back after reading all the lovely messages! :shock: :D :D
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    Bunny boarding on Bolton/manchester area?

    Does anyone know any reputable places in the manchester/bolton area that do bunny boarding for house bunnies? I've booked a holiday but would feel more comfortable leaving them in professional care then with my neighbours. :wink:
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    What could it be?

    Just to let you all know, Sooty is all better now! Phew! Still a mystery what was wrong, but she just started eatting again and everything functioning, so no need for tests. 8) Thank you for all the great advice. :D
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    What could it be?

    Not recently, just tried to have a peek, but can't see anything, so thats deffo for the vet to look at. :?
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    What could it be?

    Forgot to say she is still fairly active in her self, but not as active as normal. Shes normally a loone, now shes 'mundane' compared to her normal self.
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    What could it be?

    Hi everyone, I wonder if you could help me? Its my doe Sooty, she seems under the weather. Shes not her normal self and isn't eating very well (she is picking). The thing that stands out most is that she seems to be weeing and drinking more then normal. I am taking her to the vet monday but...
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    Forgot to say, she was done at at around 12 weeks old or when ever the earliest is that it can be done, my memory doesn't serve me well! :lol:
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    Well they're been together three years and its just flared up, there was a very short lived spate of it about 6-12 months ago and nothing since then. She does it everywhere, but normally he doesn't bother her as hes really chilled. Shes a complete scatter brain though! I have some citrus oil so...
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    Yeah both have had the op so to speak! 8) I just feel so sorry for him, it is a dominence thing with her, but I just don't want him to end up with sores because of her. :(
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    Hi everyone, not visited for ages and some of you won't probably remember me it was that long ago, but when I last came on I had a problem with Sooty (Doe) humping Stew's (Buck) head. Well it passed and for months nothing happened, but recently it has started to happen again and now Stew has a...
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    Lettice Good or Bad

    OMG! I have always treated mine to a small amount of lettuce one a week since I got them (now 3 and 2 yrs old). Will they be ok? :shock: