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Lettice Good or Bad

it can also give them the runs . it has no nutritional value either . better with some kale or a little spinach .
I thought Romaine lettuce was ok for animals, mine have that and it's listed in the ok food section!
No more greens for now, plenty of hay and she should be fine. Just keep a close eye on her :)

I heard that it can block their kidneys as they can not digest it? i have never given any type of lettuce.
I think the main problem with iceberg lettuce is the laudanum it contains which is a soporific drug (makes you sleepy). http://www.straightdope.com/columns/050107.html

I think the large quantity a small animal like a rabbit will consume could cause liver problems etc as opposed to us eating the same amount with our larger body mass (no this isn't a dig at the forum dieters ;) :lol: ).

I think but am not sure that darker leaved and red lettuce doesn't contain this.

Also iceberg is something like 90% water and has very little nutritional content so kind of a waste of money to feed them and a waste of their time to eat it ;) .

All lettuce contains the soporific drug. They have tested the same drug on humans and 'apparently' (according to Metro a few days ago) in large doses it causes a viagra effect, but in small doses it causes a soporific effect. The main problem with Iceberg is the water content.

I occassionally feed mine round lettuce, romaine lettuce and little gem, but I wouldn't feed it to any rabbit unless he/she is used to having lots of greens because it can cause runny poo. If you're unsure and your vet says no, I would say just avoid it to be safe.

Having said that, my own two have never appeared to have any problems with eating small amounts of these types of lettuce.
OMG! I have always treated mine to a small amount of lettuce one a week since I got them (now 3 and 2 yrs old). Will they be ok? :shock:
Angel said:
OMG! I have always treated mine to a small amount of lettuce one a week since I got them (now 3 and 2 yrs old). Will they be ok? :shock:

If you've noticed no ill-effects up to now then I'm sure you've done no damage, but I'd knock it out of their diet just to be on the safe side. I find mine love savoy cabbage, curly kale and broccoli which would be very acceptable lettuce substitutes :)

Lettuce is also bad because it is mostly water. Spinach is good because it contains Iron.

The good thing is, for my rabbit, he just doesn't eat lettuce, there was one time I got some free lettuce, he won't touch it. With spinach, he loves it.
Amethyst said:
Angel said:
OMG! I have always treated mine to a small amount of lettuce one a week since I got them (now 3 and 2 yrs old). Will they be ok? :shock:

If you've noticed no ill-effects up to now then I'm sure you've done no damage, but I'd knock it out of their diet just to be on the safe side. I find mine love savoy cabbage, curly kale and broccoli which would be very acceptable lettuce substitutes :)


All these foods can cause other problems, incl spinach:


Personally I'd stick with the small amount of lettuce you are feeding and not worry about it, but it's entirely your choice.
bunny-mad said:
All these foods can cause other problems, incl spinach:

Useful link, thanks. I assume that as broccoli and cabbage are in the "Usually Tolerated by Adult Rabbits, but More Likely to Cause Some Problems in Very Sensitive Rabbits" section, my rabbits should just be watched carefully. I'll also increase the Romaine lettuce intake and cut down on the cabbage/broccoli, and limit the kale to stop it being the bulk of their veggies.

