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    Please keep in mind that posts on this forum are from members of the public sharing personal opinions. It is not a replacement for qualified medical advice from a veterinarian. Many illnesses share similar symptoms but require different treatments. A medical exam is necessary for an accurate diagnosis, without which appropriate treatment cannot be given.

    You should always consult your vet before following any suggestions for medication or treatment you have read about. The wrong treatment could make your rabbit worse or mean your vet is unable to give the correct treatment because of drug interactions. Even non prescription drugs can do harm if given inappropriately.

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....And now Marmalade has myxi :'(

I am so sorry that you are having problems with giving her the meds. I completely understand what a nightmare this is because my three are similar. I do find that I have more success in the kneeling on the floor between my legs position, but you've tried this.

I think you are trying to give oral Baytril (sorry I've been unable to access the forum for a few days and so am just catching up)? Baytril doesn't taste very nice and so it's possibly that in addition to feeling rotten, she doesn't want to have horrid medicine as well. If I were you I would consider giving the medicine by injection. I have much more success with this method with mine. I would also take her to somewhere where she is not familiar (in the house?) as in my experience they will struggle less. I would also consider asking your vet to prescribe Penicillin injections rather than Baytril, which is what I used when my buck had Myx a couple of years ago and was quite unwell with respiratory infection in addition to nodules. Sorry if you've already considered these things.

Lastly sending loads more vibes for Marmalade. It really is so very distressing to nurse a rabbit with Myx.
Thanks for all the well wishes and thoughts, if they could get her better alone she'd be fine by now :) .

Well, other than holding her head in a vice there is no way she is going to accept the medicine :( . She hates being picked up even and there is no way she will keep her head still to get the syringe even up to her mouth. Even with having her on the floor, gently sitting her between my legs whilst I kneel over her doesn't work, she keeps flinching every time you get it near her mouth. I tried it on a bit of toast, but she wouldn't eat it. I tried it on her fave treats, but no, she wasn't having any of it.

I think she will also get depressed just being in the shed.....

It's like a nightmare :( ....sorry to sound so melodramatic, but it's how I feel. I found more nodules on her last night and I just feel so helpless, I just want her to be well again xx

Have you tried the 'Bunny Burito' method ?


If you also have her eyes covered with some of the towel that will calm her down too and she wont see the syringe approaching so she wont panic.
so sorry to hear about the terrible time you are having with Marmalade. I hope you find a way to medicate. Millions of vibes for her xx
Yep, been there tried that before (when she had a chest infection when I first got her), and it didn't really work then either even with covering her eyes. I think for the first few days of that medication she actually willingly took it from the syringe (the most vital time to get it into her), but then she decided she didn't like it after that. I like how they are using a rabbit who doesn't move, that makes it very easy lol!! It's when the syringe touches her that she keeps flicking her head that's the major problem.

Fab news though, she's now eaten all the treats from this morning, which had all the medication on them, so I am thrilled. She's eaten more greens too and is sitting back on her snugglesafe :) .

(By treats, I mean the round biscuit type bits of normal dried rabbit food, so it's not something that will make her ill.)

Thanks xx
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Hi Toast and Marnalade,

So sorry to hear this! I'm going through the same with Rolo, it's a battle and he gets worked up, he accepts it eventually with me and my mum administering it but my dad stands no chance he's scratches him like crazy.
I hold him on his back (so his tummy is facing upwards) and his mouth slowly opens, mum wedges the syringe in the side of his mouth and injects whilst I'm stroking him. If you can get some help whilst administering it that would make it a little easier.
Other alternative is to feed it on food/in water but I didn't do this as you can't monitor how much bunny is eating/drinking with the medicine on it if you get me?

I hold Rolo in my arms for a good while letting him know he's okay, standing still and just stroking him, then administer and then still holding him speak to him and calm him down before giving him 2 small cubes carrot as he's done really well.

We were advised to bring Rolo inside the house to help him fight it? Not sure if you'd consider that?

Rolo is unvaccinated and is still eating and drinking and pooing. Has your vet given you eye drops? I have been given eye drops for Rolo and his eyes look a little brighter but I have no clue what's going on inside. We are trying our best to help treat what we can see and we are weighing him 2 times a day to monitor any weight loss.

Rolo and I are sending massive bunny hugs (and human hugs!!) to you as I know how horrible this is. I was in tears at the vets, fur everywhere and I was just hysterical!

I hope both our bunnys pull through! If you need any help/advice feel free to DM me and I'll try my best to help with my current experience.

Rolo is on Baytril, loxicom and isthral eye drops with recovery food if he stops eating!

Keep us updated and I'm wishing you all the luck in the world

Zoë &a Rolo xxx
I second the advice above to ask your vet about injectable meds if you feel you are able to administer them.
When Hiro was poorly we really struggled to medicate him orally, the bunny burrito didn't work and having him on the floor between our legs didn't help either. We tried everything. It stressed him out so much that we felt it was doing him more harm than good in the end.
Between us we managed with the injections and it was definitely less stressful for our bun.

I'm so sorry to see what you are going through with Marmalade. Sending lots of vibes your way xxx
Hi Zoe,

Many thanks for the post, I've been watching yours closely and hoping upon hope for your Rolo xx

Luckily Marmalade is vacc'd, and though it made no difference to her beautiful husbunny who died in under 24 hours from mxy in August, I definitely think it is helping her hold her own.

I think I've cracked the medication as I was able to drop the exact dose onto the treats and when it had soaked in she couldn't resist eating them all. I shall smear them with banana if she gets wise to it.

She is a very gentle, loving bunny who isn't nervy usually, but it freaks her out no matter what angle you try to give medication from, bless her.

She is nice and warm in her shed on her snugglesafe. I couldn't bring her indoors as we have a dog who would love to get hold of her given half a chance! The dog may scrap at the door if I put her in a bedroom, which would scare her and I would be paranoid about doors etc. I think she is happier staying where she knows and is familiar to her. I keep going out to her all the time and she is happy enough. I don't think she is anywhere near as bad as your poor boy, bless him. Keeping everything crossed for him too xxx
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She's eaten some more greens and I have given her a massage, which she enjoys. I know that sounds bizarre, but she loves me to massage her back and it makes her want to groom my other hand, which is so sweet (it's making me cry at the moment though as she is just so lovely). She was doing little coughs in between, but feels warm enough.

I hope you don't mind the little updates.

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She sounds to be a wonderful bunny . Of course we don't mind the little updates. I'm glad she is enjoying her massages & greens x
I'm really pleased you've found a way to get her to take the meds. I know from my own experience how stressful it is to try and medicate a bunny who is constantly fighting against you and the syringe. :(

It's lovely she's enjoying her massages and greens, you're doing a wonderful job of nursing her :love:
She's eaten some more greens and I have given her a massage, which she enjoys. I know that sounds bizarre, but she loves me to massage her back and it makes her want to groom my other hand, which is so sweet (it's making me cry at the moment though as she is just so lovely). She was doing little coughs in between, but feels warm enough.

I hope you don't mind the little updates.


We want updates of any length :wave:

I am glad she's eaten her fave greens. What a lovely relationship you have and are building up between you. She has you fighting for her, and she knows how much you love her and want her to get better. That makes all the difference in the world :D
She's eaten some more greens and I have given her a massage, which she enjoys. I know that sounds bizarre, but she loves me to massage her back and it makes her want to groom my other hand, which is so sweet (it's making me cry at the moment though as she is just so lovely). She was doing little coughs in between, but feels warm enough.

I hope you don't mind the little updates.


My Morse used to love massages too. When he was feeling especially poorly (he had chronic health problems) massages helped him a lot. I am glad that you are updating this thread as I would worry if you didn't.
I too am very interested in updates, having been through a similar situation myself. Just to add that my three rabbits live outside in a shed with outside runs attached. My buck had his Myx, I think, September time so the weather wasn't too much different. I didn't separate them and I didn't bring him indoors.
Sending loads of vibes for Marmalade. I am glad you have found a way to trick her into taking the meds - well done.

It is very worrying how many vaccinated rabbits are succumbing to myxi :cry:
Thanks so much for all your posts, you really are a fab bunch, and it's helping me such a lot.

Just been sitting in the shed with Marmalade, she's eaten all her antibiotic laden treats tonight, which is wonderful :) . I've given her some more Burgess (all of which she has eaten :) ), and I've given her some more kale in case she is hungry in the night. She is pooing well. She also had a good munch of hay too and had a mini massage lol. She's gone back on her snugglesafe and I did lots of forehead stroking, which she loves, and it sends her into a dreamy state bless her.

I've bought her a big, long-haired cushion to sit on and a big fleecy blanket to sit on too so she has other snug places to sit. She also has 2 cardboard boxes filled with hay and lots of hay over her snugglesafe (which is on the base of a cat tree and is a real snuggly cubby hole).

Thanks again everyone xx
Thanks so much for all your posts, you really are a fab bunch, and it's helping me such a lot.

Just been sitting in the shed with Marmalade, she's eaten all her antibiotic laden treats tonight, which is wonderful :) . I've given her some more Burgess (all of which she has eaten :) ), and I've given her some more kale in case she is hungry in the night. She is pooing well. She also had a good munch of hay too and had a mini massage lol. She's gone back on her snugglesafe and I did lots of forehead stroking, which she loves, and it sends her into a dreamy state bless her.

I've bought her a big, long-haired cushion to sit on and a big fleecy blanket to sit on too so she has other snug places to sit. She also has 2 cardboard boxes filled with hay and lots of hay over her snugglesafe (which is on the base of a cat tree and is a real snuggly cubby hole).

Thanks again everyone xx

I am glad that she is continuing to eat well and that she is comfortable within herself. I hope she will be doing OK today too xx

Well she seems very bright this morning and I have let her out of the shed for a run about to help keep everything moving. She's currently in the garage gadding about (they both think that's an Aladdin's cave lol). Muffin did a little jig in his coop when he saw her, so hopefully is pleased to see her.

Medication is soaking into her treats at the moment and the snugglesafe is cooking in the microwave.

Praying this continues :)

Hope everyone else's poorly buns have had a good night too.

I am so pleased to see this morning's update about Marmalade. It's great that she is still bright and interested in food.
Oh no, I'm so very sorry to hear this :cry: although pleased that she seems to be quite perky within herself. I've just had one recover from myxi (my vet with 20 years experience says it was the worst case of nodular myxi she's ever seen) and now have another come down with it much more mildly. Both were vaccinated.

I don't have the energy at the moment to write much out, but if you haven't seen it, I've been blogging about it. My blog started out on the topic of RHD but then turned into myxi progress when we got hit with the first case here. Annoyingly, I accidentally chose a blog template that doesn't have an index, so you have to scroll through the blogs to find the start of the myxi part. The bottom of the blog is all about RHD2 and then when you get to a post entitled 'twist', that's the start of the myxi. I hope there's something in it that is helpful to you. The key thing that I didn't realise is that they have a number of bad patches - Delilah was at her worst at about weeks 3-4 when the nodules turned into hard scabs, presumably because the metacam doesn't work as well at reducing the swelling when they are hard and they are getting weak and more prone to secondary infection. But she got through it and we are now on about week 14. Everything crossed for your beautiful girl xx
