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I have asked this before but my nan thinks that i should get rid of my bunnies!

We had two guinea pigs brought in because the woman was pregnant and not even showing as was told she can't clean them out? (eh? never heard that) and her husband was allergic so couldn't. She said her sister cleaned them out every so often, and it showed the cage was filthy, small and no hay at all.
I have read the link as well and I'm sure you are safe its more likely that we will pass something to our bunnies rather than the other way round.

I was shocked about this bit though :

One recently recognised hazard that most rabbit owners will not be aware of is that rabbits are highly susceptible to herpes simplex virus or HSV, which causes cold sores in humans. HSV can cause a nasty brain infection (encephalitis) in rabbits, with features such as sudden head tilt and loss of balance that could mimic a dramatic middle ear infection, or E. cuniculi related problems. HSV infection is well studied in laboratory rabbits, but there are now at least two reports in the literature of previously healthy pet rabbits who have developed HSV encephalitis at the same time their owners had cold sores. We don't know yet how significant this risk is, but until more information is available, we would advise rabbit owners with an active cold sore to wash their hands before handling their rabbit and definitely not to kiss the bunny until the cold sore has gone.

Wow, I knew HSV is dangerous to monkeys but I had no idea it's dangerous to rabbits! I don't have HSV or know anyone who does, but it's still useful to know :)
Yeah I was told by my midwife that cat litter can be dangerous but as far as bunnies, I wear gloves but I changed the buns litter right up until the day I gave birth!
All the pregnancy books I have read have only mentioned cat's litter in relation to any pet health hazards, because of Toxoplasmosis. There are precautions you should follow if you have cats (like asking someone else to change litter trays or wearing gloves) but nothing mentioned about other pet animals. I think there is something to do with sheep as well but dont think you have any of those. :)

I'm not worried about catching anything from my rabbits, I'm probably more at risk of catching something from my OH ;):lol::lol:

In all seriousness, the only thing I am worried about with the rabbits we have here is from the little stray we picked up last weekend...in case he has fleas (or my bigger fear is myxi/VHD for my buns so I have him in quarantine). Since being pregnant I've also rescued a hedgehog that did have fleas and a fledgling magpie (both wild animals obviously) but took sensible precautions such as using gloves and washing my hands very well, changing & washing clothes etc. Not that I am encouraging this kind of behaviour but obviously it hasn't done me any harm.
I would imagine any rescue would find it a very lame excuse to be honest
Why on earth get rid of any existing pet..... because youre pregnant.... unless of course the baby would be in danger of being attacked... ie by a snappy dog..
I really have a problem with people offloading pets as they become pregnant...
NOT that Im aiming this at you in any way...... just.... people do this and its sad :(
i think its perfectly reasonable to re-home pets so you can focus your attention on your baby.

Really? I don't! Unless as a pp said there's a risk to the baby. My pets are like babies to me!
Surely you have enough time for pets and babies. If everyone rehomed once they have babies where would all the animals go?
i think its perfectly reasonable to re-home pets so you can focus your attention on your baby.

Sorry..... dont agree at all
Of course baby has to come first and your priorities are bound to change.... but that doesnt mean you cant have time for the pets that were already there
Many many people on this forum have babies, and young children and cope very well indeed
Look at Lara... (Nursecroft) She has a beautiful little boy, horses, rabbits and other animals... loves them all and her little boy is growing up surrounded by animals, which I think is lovely !!!
i think its perfectly reasonable to re-home pets so you can focus your attention on your baby.

What rubbish!!!! I have kept my animals and I'm a single mum!!! They are my children too, Archie gets a huge amount of attention and so do my animals, he's growing up with them and loves it. I also grew up with animals it's the perfect childhood.

As for cat litter, my cats don't go out so don't catch mammals that carry the bacteria.

I was left 6 weeks pregnant and looked after my animals on my own the whole time, you just have to be sensible and have some common sense when it comes to cleaning them out etc.

It's no reason to just get rid of your animals.
i think its perfectly reasonable to re-home pets so you can focus your attention on your baby.

Sorry I think that's awful.

If you take on a pet then you should do so for the rest of its life no matter what happens. No matter how much you have to pay in vet bills, you find a way. No matter if you have to move house and most places say no pets, you find a place. And if you find out you're pregnant, well you took on the animal, you just have to find a way to cope.

I've just got a full time job and I really am struggling with all my pets. I wouldn't dream of rehoming any of them! The first thing I do when I come home is sort them all out, clean them, do medicines, give cuddles. I don't really have much time for myself but too bad, I decided to have nine pets so that's how it is right now.

Pets are like kids, you don't get rid of your baby when you find out you're pregnant with another one. You just find a way to cope and if you're good you find a way to enjoy it too. :lol:
Sorry I think that's awful.

If you take on a pet then you should do so for the rest of its life no matter what happens. No matter how much you have to pay in vet bills, you find a way. No matter if you have to move house and most places say no pets, you find a place. And if you find out you're pregnant, well you took on the animal, you just have to find a way to cope.

I've just got a full time job and I really am struggling with all my pets. I wouldn't dream of rehoming any of them! The first thing I do when I come home is sort them all out, clean them, do medicines, give cuddles. I don't really have much time for myself but too bad, I decided to have nine pets so that's how it is right now.

Pets are like kids, you don't get rid of your baby when you find out you're pregnant with another one. You just find a way to cope and if you're good you find a way to enjoy it too. :lol:

What rubbish!!!! I have kept my animals and I'm a single mum!!! They are my children too, Archie gets a huge amount of attention and so do my animals, he's growing up with them and loves it. I also grew up with animals it's the perfect childhood.

As for cat litter, my cats don't go out so don't catch mammals that carry the bacteria.

I was left 6 weeks pregnant and looked after my animals on my own the whole time, you just have to be sensible and have some common sense when it comes to cleaning them out etc.

It's no reason to just get rid of your animals.

Well said :thumb:
Wow I have never heard of any bad connection between keeping rabbits and being pregnant.

No, me neither. It wouldn't make sense, either. There's no issue of them catching something from their prey, which is the main issue with cats, I think. They're inoffensive little things :)

I also don't agree AT ALL that's it's okay to get rid of your pets just because you're having a baby. Didn't you know that you might have a baby one day during their lifetime?! I certainly did. Doesn't mean they should lose their home because you went back on your word. Doesn't wash with me at all.
Totally agree with this :thumb:

Sorry I think that's awful.

If you take on a pet then you should do so for the rest of its life no matter what happens. No matter how much you have to pay in vet bills, you find a way. No matter if you have to move house and most places say no pets, you find a place. And if you find out you're pregnant, well you took on the animal, you just have to find a way to cope.

I've just got a full time job and I really am struggling with all my pets. I wouldn't dream of rehoming any of them! The first thing I do when I come home is sort them all out, clean them, do medicines, give cuddles. I don't really have much time for myself but too bad, I decided to have nine pets so that's how it is right now.

Pets are like kids, you don't get rid of your baby when you find out you're pregnant with another one. You just find a way to cope and if you're good you find a way to enjoy it too. :lol:
I have two indoor bunnies, three outdoor bunnies, three indoor cats and a dog! When I first met my Midwife at the beginning of my pregnancy she thought I was mad and did do her next visit at my house! However, once she had been to my house she didn't have any issues with the pets.

When my baby was born she first Health Visitor loved the indoor bunnies and when a different Health visitor came the next time she asked where the bunnies were! They were actually behind the sofa she was sat on!! None of the health professionals have had any issues with any of the animals and baby is now 8 weeks old. ;)
Now this thread has popped up again I've read it all through again and it's made me think.

A) getting rid of pets to make time for a baby.. What a wonderful way to welcome a child into the world! I fully intend on teaching my child that pets are living animals that deserve respect and are for life and certainly not disposable, somehow I don't think disposing any pets just because they were born is a great way to start with this lesson :?

B) statistically which living thing are we most likely to catch an illness from, humans! Ok let's chuck the dad out of the house and keep the pets!!! :thumb: