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Alpha Buck
:cry: Lily and thumper are outside now, but since they have been out there Lily(female) is constantly trying to hump thumper. They have loads of space to get away form each other and she only id it once in a blue moon when they were indoors. There is a lot of thumpers fluff over the cage and run now and I just dont know what to do. They arent fighting and thumper either tries to run away or just lets her get on with it. She is booked in for a spay at the end of the month but i am worried that he is starting to be bullyed :cry:

When I ocm eout to see them he is so happy to see me.

What do I do? When they are togther they love each other so much lieing next to each other and grooming each other. But i Just dont know what to do? do i need to seperate them?

Please Help!!! :(
Is she Spayed? If not it could be hormones. If she is it could just be due to all new smells and she making sure he knows that she's the boss.
Don't panic! It's probably hormones. Once she is spayed the humping will stop.
Humping isn't really aggressive behavour like fighting, so whilst it's upsetting to see one of your buns being "bullied" by the other one, it really is no great shakes:) .
Normally spaying stops the behaviour almost overnight.:D
Of my 2 latest buns to be spayed the mum of the pair was humping her daughter relentlessly (which I found upsetting to watch), but she hasn't humped once since she was spayed.
She has gone to, but she gets as far as putting her paws on the other ones back and then stop and looks confused as if she's wondering what she should do next!!:D :D
Don't separate them unless they start to fight as you may not bond them again.
Roll on the end of the month!!:lol:
You don't need to worry about splitting them up unless he actually turns on her - while he's tolerating it they still have a good bond. So long as she's not stopping him eating or resting, and they are still having chilled times lying together I wouldn't worry - I'm sure her spay will sort it out and he won't be stressed for much longer - do take him with her and keep them both in the house together after her op though :)
Exactly the same as with my doe. I just had her speyed today. She was humping Wellie loads and while he seemed quite tolerant of her but I wanted her done asap in case he did turn on her. I think they'll be ok til its time for her spey x
Maybe you could get an appointment sooner? The same happened with my buns Waffles and Roger - she was humping him all the time. He put up with it at first but after a week or so they started fighting... and we had to separate them. Plus Waffles lost all her litter habits which had started to influence Roger.

Good luck:)
My female spayed rabbit always humps the boy's head (they're 5 and have been together for at least 4 years) because she likes to remind him she is in charge. He's the more outgoing and cheeky one, but she sets her rules that way.
Thanks for all your replies everybody!! I am bringing thumper in for a treat for 10 minutes a night and seems ot be giving him a new lease of confidence!! Going to ocntinue to watch them but at least I can be rest assured its normal! thank you for stopping my panicing!!! xx