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Rabbit in the rain


Alpha Buck
Do any of your Bunnys like the rain? Mine has a large cosy hutch above a run but she prefers to sit on wet concrete in the run.

Can you give me any advice as i don't want her getting sick. Is this ok or not?
Yep its bucketing down outside right now, Vinnie is on the doorstep getting splached but happy and Bessie the new bun is in her run and not sitting under the sheltered part:lol: Lots of buns enjoy the rain and in the wild they would carry on grazing unless really torrential weather!
Barney dislikes the rain. :) He's such a vain little guy that he hates his fur getting messy. I put him outside, because there's occasional sunshine and no actual rain... But the minute his paws touched the grass he started taking steps and flicked each one as he did so like a picky little cat or something. I had to take a big handful of straw out to make him a 'dry patch' so he could sit somewhere.
I just gave it and fetched him his small cardboard box... It's a similar size and shape to his litter tray. He seems more intent on flipping it over at the moment... :roll:
Glad your Buns are the same. I was just thinking she might sit in her litter tray. So will bring it out for her. Not raining at mo and she has found a little sunny corner. Bless her!:love: