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Surely not myxi?


Wise Old Thumper
I feel sick with worry and can't think straight. I went to feed the bunnies this morning, and Dusty wasn't interested in food. This, unfortunately, is not unusual with either of my bunnies - happens very often. So, I scooped them up with a view to giving Dusty Metoclop and Metacam. Then I realised that Clover didn't seem herself either (but did eat).

When I went to syringe the meds into Dusty I saw a small sore near her lip. And now I am so worried it is myxi!!! The worst thing is that because of their ongoing health problems (the E. Cuniculi may or may not be eradicated), they have gone over their due time for their myxi vaccination (end of April). It is done 6 monthly here. That is the only reason they have gone over - I wouldn't have hesitated otherwise - didn't want to give it to them if they had an active infection.

Going to let the meds work and see what happens for now I think, but my stomach is churning. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Oh I' sorry to hear Dusty is poorly:( .I can understand your feeling worried about myxi. All I can suggest is that if you think it may be, give the vet a ring and when asking about her, check to see if you can get Clover jabbed straight away.
I can only echo what Maizy has said, I truly hope it isn't :( Go to the vets to put your mind at rest hopefully
Thanks. Just watching at the moment... Dusty has perked up a bit and eaten some pellets. Clover was interested in pellets earlier, but now not so interested in food. Poo from Dusty but none from Clover yet.

Have had a good look at their eyes, which look fine. Haven't looked at genitals yet (as don't want to distress them too much). Dusty could even have grazed her lip/nose on the bars of the run - trying to remain calm here.
I'd still get them both to the vets to make sure, and if they can have it give them the myxi jab now. I only give mine yearly though so don't worry about it being behind. Hopefully as you say it's a graze - they do like to worry us don't they :roll:
I am not sure that giving them a Myxi Vacc now would be helpful :? To be effective the vaccine relies on a good immune response from the Bun. This is unlikely to occur whilst Bun is poorly. IF it is Myxi giving the vaccine now would be of no use at all.
The NOBIVAC Myxomatosis only gives protection for 6 months according to the manufacturers


As Dusty and Clover have been poorly on and off for some time it is quite understandable that they could not have their boosters

I REALLY hope that it's not Myxi

Thanks. I'm not using anyone instead of a vet here (honestly), but I'd really appreciate an honest answer to this question: if it is myxi and their vaccinations have expired, do they stand any chance? Am shaking as I write this.

Update is that Clover is still lethargic and no poo (no more eating either). Loads of poo from Dusty now and her appetite is back. Trouble is, this is not at all unusual for my bunnies!! Have had as good a look at Clover's 'nether regions' as I coul manage, and all looked fine.
Thanks. I'm not using anyone instead of a vet here (honestly), but I'd really appreciate an honest answer to this question: if it is myxi and their vaccinations have expired, do they stand any chance? Am shaking as I write this.

Update is that Clover is still lethargic and no poo (no more eating either). Loads of poo from Dusty now and her appetite is back. Trouble is, this is not at all unusual for my bunnies!! Have had as good a look at Clover's 'nether regions' as I coul manage, and all looked fine.

I dont have first hand experience of a Bun with Myxi (thank goodness) but as I understand it the effected Bun usually appears 'well' within themself in the early stages.
As you asked for PERSONAL opinions re 'if it was Myxi' here is mine:
I would not treat an UNVACCINATED Bun but would PTS. I would consider treatment for a Bun who had had a vaccination within the last 6 months,but probably not outside that timescale.
THIS IS A PERSONAL OPINION and many may disagree

I am keeping everything crossed for Dusty and Clover.


Try not to panic too much, it could well be just a graze from something else, especially if they seem to be picking up. I would take them to the vets today so that they can check their temperatures, tummies and hydration just to be on the safe side. Clover def needs to be seen.
Have you heard of outbreaks in your area? Im not far from you and haven't heard of any yet and I haven't seen any wild buns looking myxi either and im out in the fields working alot at uni.
With regard to IF it were to be myxi, the general consensus amongst vets in all animal vaccs is that if the animal has been regularly vaccinated for a couple of years already then they have a higher chance of survival if their vaccs have lapsed compared to an animal that has never been vacc'd but obviously it depends on the individual animals immune system and not every case is the same, and this does not mean people should stop vaccinating after a few years ;)
Don't beat yourself up about not having them vaccinated, if they are poorly you cannot do it, end of. :)
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Thanks v much. Jane - I really appreciate your honest opinion. I have to get my head around the worst case scenario in order to cope.
It sounds more like stasis to me really plus a grazed lip for some reason? Sometimes they have their off days, so don't panic - try to get her moving about - put her far away from her hutch so she has to run a fair way to get back etc. and that should get her guts moving again. Hope she's OK soon! Are they moulting? Have they drunk much?
Latest here is that Clover has pooed (decent sized too), so that's good news. Going to watch them like a hawk... Actually that's a bit of an unfortunate phrase - don't hawks hunt bunnies?!!
When my bunnies had myxi, the sores didn't appear until later, the first sign was swellings around the eyes, it was only when the swellings scabbed over that the sores appeared - I hope this puts your mind at rest a bit.
Thanks. :) I don't think it is myxi (but will obviously keep looking out for signs). Both are now eating and pooing again, so... it's just been another day in the SarahP household :)roll: ) and another crisis averted. I'm starting to think my bunnies are like cats - they have to have used up close to their 9 lives each now! :shock: :lol:

I really was thinking bad things today, that they might have to be PTS, no more bunnies etc (as I just couldn't get more after the stress I've had with these). I can't tell you how bad that felt. :cry:

With this graze near Dusty's nose and mouth, is there anything I can try to bathe it with, do you think?
Hi Sarah. So sorry to read this. Haven't been on much for a while. Please keep us posted. You're bunnies are such tough work at the moment, hopefully its just a cut/graze. Archie is always catching his ears and once grazed his mouth jumping down from his perch.

So sending vibes vibes and more vibes. None of mine have had their booster because of ongoing unpredictable health.

I can understand your worry but hope all will be ok for the little soldiers

Fiona x
When my bunnies had myxi, the sores didn't appear until later, the first sign was swellings around the eyes, it was only when the swellings scabbed over that the sores appeared - I hope this puts your mind at rest a bit.
Floss was the same. She started with a swelling above one eye. That eye had closed within 24 hours and when her sores arrived they were just tiny lumps. She had nodular myxi(atypical myxi) which cleared up after a few weeks. Thank goodness she'd been vaccinated, as most vaccinated buns make a full recovery.
Thanks everyone. :) I have a suspicion that Dusty has hurt herself on a willow toy that they have been busy destroying. I guess they've both ingested a fair amount of wood too, as very little is still in the run. Think I will give willow toys a miss from now on. :roll:

Both are busy munching on hay at the moment and acting like nothing was wrong earlier.
if it is myxi and their vaccinations have expired, do they stand any chance? Am shaking as I write this.

Absolutly! As long as they have been vaccinated they stand a chance - my buns caught myxi 6 months after having their jabs, they are done annually here - except for mine whom now get 6 monthly! Hponey only ever had a couple of small lumps on nose, but Harly got it really bad. At times it was touch n go, but between myself and the vet we made the decision that if Harly was ever to stop eating for 24 hours we would let him go. Thanfully we never reached that stage. However it is difficult and takes a long time to fight off. I had to go to vets every 2nd day for the first while, then give different meds a couple of times a day for months, I couldnt go anywhere except work as I wouldnt leave any1 else to do his meds. But to me, it was all worth it.

I just do really hope that it's just an infected scratch or something. I'd say genitals and eyes being fine is a good sign!