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need to bath my Rabbit what Shampoo do I use ect....

Hi my Rabbit Poppy should have her collar and bandage off this friday hopefuly all being well .

but I need to know what shampoo do I use on a Rabbit my mum thinks it's Baby shampoo on a rabbits coat ,skin ?
oh and if it's baby shampoo to use does this contain any thing that could be harmful to my bunny or is it safe.

Poppy does realy need a bath as she has poo stains and wee stains on her body under neath to.
any I dea's please help thanks.

I thought Rabbit shampoo but not sure on this .
any help welcome and befor friday thanks. ;)

she will be bathed in a washing up bowl .:)
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Im not sure id bathe a rabbit who has only just been spayed. Maybe you should wait a few more weeks and see if she cleans herself up first and allow her to heal up properly first.
When ive had to wash my rabbit's bottom i have only used water so not sure about what shampoo you can use. Babywipes are safe so you could try wiping any mess away with those but rabbits really are good at cleaning themselves ;) Hope when the bandages come off she is all healed up
try wiping her with warm water on an old flannel. You can trim bits of dry poo off her with scissors but be careful not to cut her.
If you put a squirt of Johnson's baby shampoo in the warm water and swoosh it all round so it's bubbly and dissolved, then put a folded towel on the bottom of the bowl so her feet don't slip, that should be fine - I've just bathed one of my long haired guinea pigs in same - main thing is to make sure she's indoors till she's thoroughly dry. :)
Rabbit bathing is not generally recommended (I did it once in unavoidable circumstances and I would avoid doing it again like the plague, it was not a bit like when I bathed the piggies).

However, if you have to clean her, carefully trim off the worse bits, then using a weak solution of baby shampoo in water, sponge off the stains. Make sure you keep her warm and dry afterwards though.
I have used Guinea Pig shampoo from Gorgeous guineas with some success when Zeus was being treated for mites (weekly oil soak also from GG as well as ivermectin). I did a patch test first to check for reactions.

P@H sell a medicated small animal shampoo too. Otherwise a normal human shampoo that has been tested on animals is probably safe for rabbits as much as I hate to say it, having already been tried on them...

I used the hairdryer on gentle heat to help dry off Zeus after (being a house bunny he was used to the noise) and of course he stayed inside until he was thoroughly dry.

As others have said...I wouldn't bathe her if her spay wound is fresh.

Otherwise, my prefered method of bathing is to hold bunny in your arms like a baby. Dab a small spot of shampoo on the dirty area and rub in. Then rinse her under a running tap (luke warm water only, so a mixer tap is best). If your bunny is wriggley, hold her gently but securely in the 'crook' of you elbow.

It sounds complicated, but isn't really :D
I have always bathed mine using Baby Shampoo or a puppy & kitten shampoo and never had any problems. I found an old towel or bath mat in the bottom of the bath and then using the shower on them was less stressfull (for them anyway) than making them sit in a bath/bowel of water. Always found it good idea to have someone else standing guard with you for when they have had enough and decide to jump out the bath themselves and attempt to run through the houe :lol:
The collar will be stopping her grooming properly, once that's off she will clean herself up. You shouldn't bath a rabbit unless absolutely necessary.

I agree - I wouldn't bather her. Obviously its good to make sure she is keeping herself reasonably clean, but I would only give her a wipe down if necessary.
I would also never use baby shampoo - I certainly wouldn't use it on a baby!! It isn't that gentle at all and contains chemicals that will strip natural oils.

Hi all. :wave: :)

I like your idea Frisky Clover it sounds the easyist option for me to do.

when her wound has properly healed up she has had her head collar off and bandages off .
but that was for an hour. as she started to lick at the glue of her wound again. so i took her straite back to get her sorted again. she's now had a 5th done. but only useing staples in her wound this time and of course the collar she had on befor was reused and put back on her again . :?
but not the bandage i asked the vet to leave it off and she did .
which means the wound should heal again i hope .
or I don't know what could happen to her next time. :(

but i mean reuseing the collar that has most of her own poo stuck round on it on the out side how unhyginic :censored: